Winds of Allegiance by Linda Chaikin

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British-Russian Savana Rezanov Mackenzie is drawn to two different men–Baron Peter Sarakof, who promises to reunite Savana with her Russian grandmother, Countess Rezanov, and Captain Trace Wilder, an American whose ambition is to see the Pacific northwest belong to the United States.

Kingscote by Linda Chaikin

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1800 – India

A Web of Treacherous Deceit, and a Silk Heiress Determined to Find Love in the Land She Calls Home.

JACE BUCKLEY, the dashing British officer, has promised to report to Kingscote, bringing with him news of Coral Kendall’s missing adopted son. Coral is overjoyed, but her first priority is a mission school for the untouchables on the silk plantation—and the handsome Dr. Ethan Boswell has committed to fulfill Coral’s dream.

Coral has long delayed choosing between two very different men, but her impending decision is overshadowed by mysterious threats against her and the school Ethan has struggled to build. When the precious Hindi scripture portions given to her by William Carey are found in ashes on the floor of her room, Coral realizes that she must somehow bridge the cultural dissension—before it destroys Kingscote.

Danger follows Jace in his search for Coral’s abducted son, and the boy’s mysterious roots leave Jace entangled in a web of treacherous deceit. Will Jace return to Kingscote in time to claim the woman he loves? Or will the flames of hate destroy all in its path?

The Reluctant Bridegroom by Gilbert Morris

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1838 – Oregon Territory

The Reluctant Bridegroom begins with Sky Winslow, the son of Chris and Dove Winslow, agreeing to return East and bring a wagon train of brides to the men of Oregon City. As experienced as he is on the trail, the past hurts of an unfaithful wife and the care for a twelve-year-old son who truly needs a mother’s love make Sky an unlikely candidate for such an assignment. On the long trip from New York to Oregon, two of the women who join the wagon train will make their impact on Sky Winslow. Rebekah Jackson, in hope of finding a new start, is leaving a broken past. Rita Duvall is a dance hall girl who knows the way to break down a man’s defenses.