A Daughter of Zion by Bodie and Brock Thoene

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1948 – Israel

She survived the Holocaust at great personal cost. But will her past now destroy her?

It’s January 1948. After suffering the horrors of years in a Nazi concentration camp, Rachel Lubetkin has at last come home to Jerusalem . . . and the family who thought she was dead. But the mark on her arm has also marked her heart. Will her secrets, if revealed, discredit her among her own people? And at a time of great danger, when she so desperately wants to help?

British soldiers stand idly by while Arabs attack Jewish transports in the besieged Old City. Moshe Sachar, archaeologist by day and secret blockade runner by night, determines to fight for the ancient promises. But he can’t shake the vision of the beautiful young woman he rescued from the sea.

The very same Jewess that Gerhardt, a former Nazi, vows to find . . . to make her pay.

The Gates of Zion by Bodie and Brock Thoene

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1947 – Middle East

Evil circles closer, threatening even those who survived the Holocaust.

It’s November 29, 1947. The streets of Jerusalem ring with celebration as the British Mandate of Palestine is carved into Arab and Jewish states. Politicians promise peace, but those who remember the prophecies know the truth.

When photojournalist Ellie Warne snaps pictures of some ancient scrolls, she unwittingly becomes the target of a sinister plan. Whom can she trust? David Meyer, a decorated American war pilot, who seems more comfortable among the stars than on earth with her? Or the scholarly Jew, Moshe Sachar, who hides from commitment behind his studies but says he loves her?

As everything she believes is challenged, Ellie must decide whether to risk her life—and her heart—for a people she has just met.

Unspoken by Francine Rivers

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993 BC – Israel

Her beauty stirred the passions of a king; her pain moved the heart of God.

Meet Bathsheba, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair did not end in one night. To many, her name means seduction and sin, yet God called Bathsheba His own, worthy of the legacy of His Son. Learn along with Bathsheba the overwhelming truth that God is willing to restore those lost in the depths of despair who call out to Him.

Unshaken by Francine Rivers

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1140 BC – Israel

She gave up everything, expecting nothing, and God honored her.

Meet Ruth, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. Her loyalty—especially toward her mother-in-law Naomi—helped her to persevere in the face of tragedy, and God gave her a second chance at love. Readers will be encouraged by the truth that God will faithfully provide for His children even when all hope seems lost.

Unafraid by Francine Rivers

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1 BC – Israel

All eternity had been waiting for this moment. God chose one woman.

Meet Mary, one of the most revered women in history. But first, she was an ordinary woman striving to please God in the same way that women still do today. When God spoke, Mary responded in simple obedience. And God chose her to bear the long-awaited Messiah. She couldn’t know that raising the perfect son would break her heart and change the world forever.

The Dark Sun Rises by Denise Williamson

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1800s – South Carolina

Set in 19th century Charleston, South Carolina, The Dark Sun Rises is an inspirational work of historical fiction. With impeccable attention to detail and a strong conviction in God, Williamson leads the listener into the complex world of slavery.

In this novel, Joseph, a manservant of Abram Callcott, begins a journey of faith. One of Abram’s passions is teaching the slaves about the Gospel. He is shocked, however, by the realization that Joseph has taught himself to read and write. Joseph’s abilities show Abram that he may have misjudged his African slaves, but nothing can prepare either man for what is to come.

Through strong, colorful characters, Williamson examines slavery from various perspectives and explores the growth and change in the antebellum south.

Unveiled by Francine Rivers

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1898 BC – Israel

Betrayed by men who controlled her future, she fought for the right to believe in a loving God.

Meet Tamar, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. She risked her life and her reputation to be the woman she was called to be. Her story serves as an example of how God uses our circumstances and our steps toward Him, however faltering, to fulfill His plan.

Unashamed by Francine Rivers

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1573 BC – Canaan

She was a woman with a past to whom God gave a future.

Meet Rahab, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. Exploited by men who saw only her beauty, she held fast to her faith in an all-powerful God and was rewarded by being grafted into the family tree of the Messiah. In Rahab’s compelling story, discover the overwhelming truth that God seeks and finds those whose hearts are tender toward Him, no matter how far away they are.

Passing by Samaria Sharon Ewell Foster

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1919 – Mississippi

The date is 1919—a time of unrest and drastic change. For Alena, though, life in Mississippi is perfect, and she prays she will never leave her home. That prayer is shattered when she makes a horrible discovery—a discovery that leads her to challenge all she believes. Against the backdrop of the Great Migration, from a quiet, country setting, Alena is catapulted to Chicago, the “city of broad shoulders.”

There, amidst riots, misplaced love, and post-war confusion, the outspoken young woman struggles to find herself and the one true thing that will save her.

Valley of the Shadow by Stephanie Grace Whitson

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1860s – Minnesota

“I won’t go, and you can’t make me!” As the daughter of Good Song Woman and a French trader, eighteen-year-old Genevieve LaCroix wants nothing to do with her father’s plan to see his daughter educated by the white missionaries at Renville mission. Forced there against her will, Gen eventually finds friendship. When she meets a wounded Dakota warrior taken in by the missionaries, love blossoms. Gen and Two Stars are just beginning to find their way in the new world controlled by whites when the Dakota War of 1862 drags them both into the valley of the shadow of death. Risking everything to protect missionary friends and children, the couple are forced apart. Will their love survive? Will they?

The Power and the Glory Clint Kelly

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WWI – Turkey

Finding themselves in Istanbul in the midst of Turkey’s massacre in World War I, Tatul and Adrine feel obliged to take a stand and fight for their homeland.

The Ranchero’s Daughter by Kristin Billereck

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1844 – California

Get swept away to the early days of California when the rancheros ruled the land of plenty. Isabella is betrothed to the wealthiest Californio in the land, but when a circuit-riding preacher of Spanish nobility rides in, it’s love at first sight. How can Isabella win the heart of a sword-fighting hero and still follow God’s will for her future?