Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith

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Bathsheba: A Novel (The Wives of King David)bathsheba

BC – Middle East

Bathsheba is a woman who longs for love. With her devout husband away fighting the king’s wars for many months at a time, discontent and loneliness dog her steps–and make it frighteningly easy to succumb to King David’s charm and attention. Though she immediately regrets her involvement with the powerful king, the pieces are set in motion that will destroy everything she holds dear. Can she find forgiveness at the feet of the Almighty? Or has her sin separated her from God–and David–forever?

With a historian’s sharp eye for detail and a novelist’s creative spirit, Jill Eileen Smith brings to life the passionate and emotional story of David’s most famous–and infamous–wife. Smith uses her gentle hand to draw out the humanity in her characters, allowing readers to see themselves in the three-dimensional lives and minds of people who are often viewed in starkly moralistic terms. You will never read the story of David and Bathsheba in the same way again.

Pearl in the Sand by Tessa Afshar

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Pearl in the Sandpearlinthesand
BC – Middle East

Can a Canaanite harlot who has made her livelihood by looking desirable to men make a fitting wife for one of the leaders of Israel? Shockingly, the Bible’s answer is yes. At the age of fifteen Rahab is forced into prostitution by her beloved father. In her years as a courtesan, she learns to mistrust men and hate herself. Into the emotional turmoil of her world walks Salmone, a respected leader of Judah. Through the tribulations of a stormy relationship, Rahab and Salmone learn the true source of one another’s worth in God and find healing from fear and rejection.

Eleventh Guest by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Eleventh Guest (A. D. Chronicles)11thguest

30s – Middle East

The lepers in the Valley of Mak’ob hear rumors that a miracle worker is walking the earth. Ten are chosen to search for him, knowing that outside the Valley lies almost certain death. Could this healer be the Messiah they long for? And will they find him in time? You will be touched by the stories of these broken, weary travelers searching for the Messiah.

Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther by Ginger Garrett

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Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther (Lost Loves of the Bible)chosen

BC – Persia

The story of a girl unsparingly plunged into heartache and chaos, who would save a nation … of Esther, who would be queen.

Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds herself at the mercy of King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only relative, her cousin Mordecai, and her first true love, Cyrus, she is thrown headlong into the unrestrained extravagance of palace living. Quick of mind and strong in spirit, she refuses to suffer the fate of her harem sisters and boldly challenges Xerxes to give of his heart before taking his pleasure, thus sealing her place beside him a queen. While conspiracy spins its diabolical web, Esther’s mind and spirit waver, and she is forced to confront the past in order to save her future—and that of an entire nation.

Abigail by Jill Eileen Smith

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Abigail: A Novel (The Wives of King David)abigail

BC – Middle East

Abigail’s hopes and dreams for the future are wrapped up in her handsome, dark-eyed betrothed, Nabal. But when the long-awaited wedding day arrives, her drunken groom behaves shamefully. Nevertheless, Abigail tries to honor and respect her husband despite his abuse of her.
Meanwhile, Abigail’s family has joined David’s wandering tribe as he and his people keep traveling to avoid the dangerous Saul. When Nabal suddenly dies, Abigail is free to move on with her life, and thanks to her brother, her new life includes a new husband–David. The dangers of tribal life on the run are serious, but there are other dangers in young Abigail’s mind. How can David lead his people effectively when he goes against God? And how can Abigail share David’s love with the other wives he insists on marrying?
Jill Eileen Smith, bestselling author of Michal, draws on Scripture, historical research, and her imagination as she fills in the blanks to unveil the story of Abigail and David in rich detail and drama. The result is a riveting page-turner that will keep readers looking forward to the next book in this trilogy. 

The Hidden Flame by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn

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The Hidden Flame (Acts of Faith, Book 2)hiddenflame

33 – Middle East

Abigail loses everything and is left with little promise of a normal life. When she discovers the Messiah and joins his followers, she also discovers new meaning and purpose. Maybe she does have a future after all. But increasing persecution is scattering the burgeoning group “to the ends of the earth.” And Abigail may have given her heart to the wrong man. Two suitors desire the lovely Abigail’s hand in marriage. One is a successful Hebrew merchant and widower looking for a mother for his children. On the other side is the Roman soldier Linux, who is captivated by her winsome charm and could offer the sanctuary–maybe even the love–for which she yearns. But her heart has been captured by neither of these. Stephen, one of the leaders of The Way, has a character and a faith that move her deeply, but his outspoken preaching has marked him for assassination. Will her faith and courage withstand a heartbreak beyond comprehension? And then a glimmer of hope appears, one she never would have foreseen.

Tenth Stone by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Tenth Stone (A. D. Chronicles)10thstone

30s – Middle East

They all need miracles. But will the Healer come in time?
Yod, born in the Valley of Mak’ob, where lepers live out the end of their days, is heartbeats away from eternity in the Dying Cave. Stories abound about Yeshua of Nazareth, the miracle worker. Dare she hope for a miracle—just for her?
Daniel, the rebellious son of Melchior and Esther of Ecbatana, is a great embarrassment to his family. Life is boring beyond belief, Daniel thinks. But everything about his life is about to change.
Over thirty years have passed since the stars led Melchior the Magus, former court astronomer to King Phraates of Parthia, to Bethlehem, the birthplace of the long-awaited Messiah. Melchior again ponders the signs in the heavens. Could the time of the young Messiah’s work on earth have now come to fulfillment? Could Yeshua be that child, grown up and working miracles? And could any miracle save Melchior’s son Daniel?

A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M. White

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A Stray Drop of Bloodastradropofblood

30 – Jerusalem, Rome

Beautiful is a dangerous thing to be when one is unprotected. That is a lesson Abigail learns well when her master s son, Jason, takes her to his bed. Jason s mother, Ester, may have educated her as a daughter instead of a slave, his father, Cleopas, may have obeyed Hebrew law rather than Roman in the running of his household, but none of that matters to their son. At least, it doesn t until he has a child of his own on the way.

Over her seven years in the Visibullis household, Abigail has gotten accustomed to being a slave. She loves her fellow servants, she adores her mistress, and she respectes her master. She does not welcome change, neither when Jason decides she is better fit for a lover than a handmaid nor when he discoveres he loves her too much to leave her as anything but a wife. But she carries his child, so she can hardly argue. And maybe, given time, she could come to love him too….

Israel s unrest finds a home in her bosom, but their rebellion tears apart her world. Death descends with Barabbas s sword, and Abigail is determined to be there when he is handed the penalty for the crimes that destroyed her family. But when she ventureds to the trial, heavy with child and heavier still with hatred, it is not Barabbas that the crowd demands be crucified. Instead, it is the teacher Cleopas and Jason had begun to follow, the man from Nazareth that some call the Son of God….

She was born free, made a slave, married out of her bonds. But she never really knew freedom until she felt the fire of a stray drop of blood from a Jewish carpenter. She was disowned by Israel, despised by Rome, desired by all. Yet she never knew love until she received the smile of a stoic Roman noble.

Ninth Witness by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Ninth Witness (A. D. Chronicles)9thwitness

12 – Middle East

Riots and revolts spread across Judea. Twelve-year-old Yeshua is in Jerusalem—“about his Father’s business” in the Temple—as his panic-stricken parents search for him amidst the chaos. Readers will enjoy reading this interesting story from Christ’s youth. This is the ninth book in the A.D. Chronicles series. Includes historical maps and a discussion guide for individual or group study.

Michal by Jill Eileen Smith

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BC – Middle East

Can their epic search for true love survive a father’s fury?

The daughter of King Saul, Michal lives a life of privilege–but one that is haunted by her father’s unpredictable moods and competition from her beautiful older sister. As a girl, Michal quickly falls for the handsome young harpist David. But soon after their romance begins, David must flee for his life, leaving Michal at her father’s mercy in the prison that is King Saul’s palace.

Will Michal ever be reunited with David? Or is she doomed to remain separated from him forever?

Against the backdrop of opulent palace life, raging war, and daring desert escapes, Jill Eileen Smith takes you on an emotional journey as Michal deals with love, loss, and personal transformation as the first wife of King David.

Journey to the Well by Diana Wallis Taylor

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Journey to the Welljourneytothewell

30s – Middle East

One of the most well-known and loved stories of Jesus’s ministry is the encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Now the creative mind of Diana Wallis Taylor imagines how the Samaritan woman got there in the first place. Marah is just a girl of thirteen when her life is set on a path that will eventually lead her to a life-changing encounter with the Messiah. But before that momentous meeting she must traverse through times of love lost and found, cruel and manipulative men, and gossiping women.

This creative and accurate portrayal of life in the time of Jesus opens a window into a fascinating world. Taylor’s rich descriptions of the landscapes, lifestyles, and rituals mesh easily with the emotional and very personal story of one woman trying to make a life out of what fate seems to throw at her. This exciting and heartwrenching story will fascinate readers and lend new life to a familiar story.

The Centurion’s Wife by Janette Oke and Davis Bunn

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The Centurion’s Wife (Acts of Faith, Book 1)centurion'swife

33 – Middle East

Janette Oke has dreamed for years of retelling a story in a biblical time frame from a female protagonist’s perspective, and Davis Bunn is elated to be working with her again on this sweeping saga of the dramatic events surrounding the birth of Christianity…and the very personal story of Leah, a young Jewess of mixed heritage trapped in a vortex of competing political agendas and private trauma.

Caught up in the maelstrom following the death of an obscure rabbi in the Roman backwater of first-century Palestine, Leah finds herself also engulfed in her own turmoil–facing the prospect of an arranged marriage to a Roman soldier, Alban, who seems to care for nothing but his own ambitions. Head of the garrison near Galilee, he has been assigned by Palestine’s governor to ferret out the truth behind rumors of a political execution gone awry. Leah’s mistress, the governor’s wife, secretly commissions Leah also to discover what really has become of this man whose death–and missing body–is causing such furor.

This epic drama is threaded with the tale of an unlikely romance and framed with dangers and betrayals from unexpected sources. At its core, The Centurion’s Wife unfolds the testing of loyalties–between two young people whose inner searchings they cannot express, between their irreconcilable heritages, and ultimately between their humanity and the Divine they yearn to encounter.

Eighth Shepherd by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Eighth Shepherd (A. D. Chronicles, Book 8)8thshepherd

30s – Middle East

The tax collector of Jericho, Zachai (Zacchaeus), is the most hated man in all Judea. Shimona, a former leper, is shunned by her community. And the Nubian bodyguard Salmon fears his young daughter will die. All three need the transforming touch of Yeshua, the Great Shepherd. Their stories unfold in this engaging novel. Includes historical maps and a discussion guide for individual or group study.

Seventh Day by Brock and bodie Thoene

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Seventh Day (A. D. Chronicles, Book 7)7thday

30s – Middle East

As Yeshua continues his ministry and is challenged by the religious leaders, his beloved friend El’azar falls ill in Bethany and when Yeshua finally arrives, it is too late…or is it?

Havah by Tosca Lee

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The Beginning –

Created, not born. Her name is Eve. Myth and legend shroud her in mystery. Now hear her story.

She knew this earth when it was perfect—as she was perfect, a creature without flaw. Created by God in a manner like no other, Eve lived in utter peace as the world’s first woman, until she made a choice, one mistake for which all of humanity would suffer. But what did it feel like to be the first person to sin and experience exile; to see innocence crumble so vividly; and to witness a new strange, darker world emerge in its place?

From paradise to exile, from immortality to the death of Adam, experience the epic dawn of mankind through the eyes and heart of Eve—the woman first known as Havah.

Sixth Covenant by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Sixth Covenant (A. D. Chronicles, Book 6)6thcovenant

0 – Middle East

Who in Bethlehem could guess that their tiny, obscure village, populated by shepherds, would become the hinge upon which all history turns . . . and the focus of a terrifying rampage? Sixth Covenant is the conclusion of the three-book Nativity story within the A.D. Chronicles series. Sixth Covenant chronicles Mary, Yosef, and baby Yeshua in the first months of his life in Bethlehem. From the shepherd’s visit to the escape to Egypt to the Bethlehem babies who gave their life for Jesus, discover the most critical events in the history of the world.

Fifth Seal by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Fifth Seal (A. D. Chronicles, Book 5)5thseal

0 – Middle East

The little town of Nazareth is a long way from Jerusalem and King Herod’s evil clutches. Yet is anywhere in Judea far enough? In their most dramatic, ambitious, and significant historical series to date, Bodie and Brock Thoene once again transport readers back in time to first century A.D. to the birth of Christ—the most critical events in the history of the world.

Dark Hour by Ginger Garrett

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Dark Hour (Serpent Moon Trilogy)darkhour

BC – Middle East

One of the darkest and bloodiest stories of all time comes not from a medieval battlefield but from inside one of the most opulent palaces ever built. The strategies come not from men eager to extend their influence, but from women bent on exercising their wit and prowess in a kingdom not their own. Treason and murder are fair game. Marriage is manipulation, a means to an end. Children are the enemy. And the days of the House of David are numbered-unless one woman can find the strength to conquer them all. 

Fourth Dawn by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Fourth Dawn (A. D. Chronicles, Book 4)4thdawn

0 – Middle East

In their most dramatic, ambitious, and significant historical series to date, Bodie and Brock Thoene once again transport readers back in time to first century AD and the most critical events in the history of the world. In Fourth Dawn, Herod, the king of Judea, plunges deeper into madness as people wonder, Where is the promised liberator? As signs appear in the heavens, Mary of Nazareth receives an unusual visitor. What he tells her will change everything about her life . . . and impact all those in Judea and beyond for eternity!

Madman by Tracy Groot

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Time of Christ – Palestine

If there is a way into madness, logic says there is a way out. Logic says. Tallis, a philosopher’s servant, is sent to a Greek academy in Palestine only to discover that it has silently, ominously, disappeared. No one will tell him what happened, but he learns what has become of four of its scholars. One was murdered. One committed suicide. One worships in the temple of Dionysus. And one . . . one is a madman.

From Christy Award–winning author Tracy Groot comes a tale of mystery, horror, and hope in the midst of unimaginable darkness: the story behind the Gerasene demoniac of the Gospels of Mark and Luke.



Third Watch by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Third Watch (A. D. Chronicles, Book 3)3rdwatch

30s – Middle East

Journey back to first-century Jerusalem, a dark and hopeless time, when citizens are searching for their promised Messiah to return. Meet new characters Zahav, a Jewish woman who is very strong in her faith, and Alexander, a Greek with a past. Can their forbidden love endure the trials that face them? Will Susanna and Manaen’s love be able to overcome bitterness and overwhelming odds? After seeing all that Yeshua has done for them, will the people believe he is the Messiah? What they choose to believe will change them all for eternity

Second Touch by Brock and Bodie Thoene

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Second Touch (A. D. Chronicles, Book 2)2ndtouch

30s – Middle East

Be transported once again to the dark and tumultuous times of first-century Jerusalem. Return to the story of Peniel, the no-longer-blind beggar who still longs for the connection of home and family. Meet new characters like Lily, Cantor, and Rabbi Ahava, who hold on to hope in spite of their devastating affliction of leprosy. This book’s rich, vibrant imagery will draw readers to discover that we all need Yeshua’s touch, not only on our bodies but on our souls.

First Light by Bodie and Brock Thoene

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30s – Middle East

Go back in time to first-century Jerusalem. It’s a dark time in the world’s holiest and most turbulent city. Walk with Peniel, the blind beggar who longs for rescue from his suffering. Peek into the lives of Susannah and Manaen, two lovers separated by overwhelming odds. And meet an unusual healer, who ignites a spark of controversy in the fire of hatred, deceit, and betrayal that is always burning in this ancient city. This first book in the A.D. Chronicles series will bring you face-to-face with the man called Yeshua.

The Brother’s Keeper by Tracy Groot

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30s – Israel

The sons of Joseph run a successful carpentry business in Nazareth. At least, it was successful until the oldest brother, Jesus, left home to tell the world he will forgive their sins and save their souls. Now everyone is hearing outlandish reports of healings and exorcisms. Business is suffering: not many people want a stool made by the family of the local crazy man.

When one of his brothers starts listening to Jesus’ troubling speeches and fanatical Zealots descend on Nazareth to convince his family to join their fight against Rome, James wants nothing more than to shut out these rumblings and have a normal life. But normal walked out the day his brother did.

James knows that this year’s Passover pilgrimage will be more important than ever. Hearing about a possible plot against Jesus, he must find him and talk some sense into him before it’s too late. And he must decide for himself who his brother really is. But on the dusty road to Jerusalem, more than one faction has murder on its mind. . . .

The Fisherman by Larry Huntsperger

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The Fisherman: A NovelThe Fishermanfisherman

30s – Middle East

Few New Testament characters are as fascinating as Peter–a reluctant disciple who changed the face of Christianity. For more than twenty-five years, author and pastor Larry Huntsperger spent hundreds of hours studying New Testament documents in preparation for writing this fictional first-person account of the life of this enigmatic disciple.

The result is a novel that faithfully follows Scripture while offering a powerful, fresh narration of the story of one of the faith’s greatest men. In the fast-paced chapters of The Fisherman, readers will relive Peter’s initial resistance to the pull he feels toward Jesus and his ministry. They’ll walk with Peter alongside Jesus through the events of the Gospels and catch intimate glimpses of the disciples’ personalities. They’ll feel the dusty streets and the hot sun.

The Shadow Women by Angela Hunt

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1400s BC – Egypt

The three main women in Moses’s life narrate his dramatic story from their perspectives. Miryam, his seven-year-old sister, and Merytamon, his 14-year-old adoptive mother, cover his early years as an Egyptian prince. Nine-year-old Zipporah, his future wife, tells of Moses’ time with her father, a priest, and their family. After God reveals himself to Moses, Miryam recounts the liberation of the Jewish people and their escape from Egypt, and Zipporah and Miryam recall the years in the wilderness. The animosity and jealousy Miryam feels for both Merytomon and Zipporah flood the narrative, poisoning their happiness, but Moses takes scant notice, focused as he is on his task of serving God.

Unspoken by Francine Rivers

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993 BC – Israel

Her beauty stirred the passions of a king; her pain moved the heart of God.

Meet Bathsheba, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair did not end in one night. To many, her name means seduction and sin, yet God called Bathsheba His own, worthy of the legacy of His Son. Learn along with Bathsheba the overwhelming truth that God is willing to restore those lost in the depths of despair who call out to Him.

Unshaken by Francine Rivers

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1140 BC – Israel

She gave up everything, expecting nothing, and God honored her.

Meet Ruth, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. Her loyalty—especially toward her mother-in-law Naomi—helped her to persevere in the face of tragedy, and God gave her a second chance at love. Readers will be encouraged by the truth that God will faithfully provide for His children even when all hope seems lost.

Unafraid by Francine Rivers

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1 BC – Israel

All eternity had been waiting for this moment. God chose one woman.

Meet Mary, one of the most revered women in history. But first, she was an ordinary woman striving to please God in the same way that women still do today. When God spoke, Mary responded in simple obedience. And God chose her to bear the long-awaited Messiah. She couldn’t know that raising the perfect son would break her heart and change the world forever.

Unashamed by Francine Rivers

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1573 BC – Canaan

She was a woman with a past to whom God gave a future.

Meet Rahab, one of the five women in the lineage of Christ. Exploited by men who saw only her beauty, she held fast to her faith in an all-powerful God and was rewarded by being grafted into the family tree of the Messiah. In Rahab’s compelling story, discover the overwhelming truth that God seeks and finds those whose hearts are tender toward Him, no matter how far away they are.