Welcome to Lena Nelson Dooley, whose third book in the McKenna’s Daughters series, Catherine’s Pursuit, is out this month.
Lena will be giving away the first book in this series, Maggie’s Journey, to a random commenter who ALSO answers Lena’s question at the end of this post
If you’d like a free kindle copy of Maggie’s Journey, it’s free right now at Amazon.
Comment/Answer by February 10, 2013, and I’ll post the winner on the 11th.
*Questions about Lena’s books:
I loved writing Catherine, but I think my favorite character was Collin Elliott, the hero. He was a complex personality and not my usual kind of hero to write.
2. Did you include a real historical character or incident in your story?
Oregon City Bank installed a large vault that was circular like a huge metal ball. They thought it would be impossible to break into. The town had a big celebration on installation day.
3. Why did you choose the year your book is set?
The prelude of books one and two took place in 1867, near the end of the time that wagon trains traveled the Oregon Trail. I needed the books to take place 18 years later. Thus 1885
4. What research book or website used to write this book was your favorite to peruse?
There are a large number of books with historical photos of a certain city. I used several of them. Oregon City, Portland, San Francisco. They really helped me visualize the setting. I need to be able to do that, because I write visually.
5. If you could be guaranteed to publish a book set anywhere and at anytime, what setting would you love to set a novel in?
I’m wanting to write more historical novels set in Texas where I live. The series I’m working on right now has two books set near where I live.
*Questions recommending other Christian Historical Novels:
6. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take one Christian Historical Novel, which would you pick?
7.If your job was to sell one author’s historical fiction (besides your own) which author’s wares would you want to peddle?
I have a blog: http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com On that blog, I introduce readers to all kinds of Christian novels—both historical and contemporary. So I already help sell other historicial authors’ books.
[Melissa here—Lena’s guests give away books with each post, so be sure to follow her blog!]
8. Which was the last Christian Historical Novel you read, and what was your favorite thing about it?
I’m reading
Find Lena Nelson Dooley on the web:
Blog: Http://lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/lenandooley/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lena.nelson.dooley
Twitter: www.twitter.com/lenandooley
Official Fan Page: www.facebook.com/pages/Lena-Nelson-Dooley/42960748768?ref=ts
Shoutlife: www.shoutlife.com/lenanelsondooley
Catherine’s Pursuit, is a new release. Its tags on this blog are:
Dooley-Lena Nelson
Several US States
Wagon Train
Aristocrats/Social Elite
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Lena’s Question you’ll need to answer to be entered into the drawing, and make sure there is some way to contact you:
Have you ever felt rejected or abandoned? Why, how?