Henri’s Regret by Pegg Thomas

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Henri's RegretGoodreads ~ Amazon

1760s – Canada

Frenchman Henri Geroux can’t sign the oath of loyalty to the British after the end of the French and Indian War. He leaves his home behind and sets out on an adventure with his Ottawa friend, Dances Away. But heading west to trap beaver doesn’t mean he outruns his problems. Faced with a dangerous journey into an unknown land, he and Dances Away get caught up in more than they’d bargained for.

Shenandoah Hearts by Carrie Fancett Pagels

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1754 – Virginia

Talented silversmith, Magdalene Sehler, departs from Philadelphia and the business run by Jacob Owens but leaves a portion of her heart with him. To her surprise, he, too, has joined the wagon train, that her family is on, to the Shenandoah Valley. Jacob becomes a suttler, supplying the forts. As the French-Indian War commences, Magda, Jacob, and their family members and friends face grave danger. Can Magda and Jacob find love and begin a new life together–one that may take them further south to the James River? Or will all be lost?

The Heart of Courage by Lynne Basham Tagawa

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1753 – Virginia Colony

No one would understand. But he had to obey his conscience.

It’s 1753, and troubling news comes to Russell’s Ridge . . .

Susanna Russell longs to escape her valley home. When war breaks out, she gets her wish to study in fabulous Williamsburg. But she realizes she’s lost something important along the way. Something—and someone.

James Paxton is studying for the ministry. But when violence threatens the valley, his path becomes clouded. What is God’s will for his life? The answer is alarming—and impossible.

Red Hawk spies white surveyors near his home, a harbinger of trouble to come. Shawnee chiefs go to Philadelphia to treat for peace, but the unthinkable happens, and Red Hawk loses all he once held dear. Then he has a strange dream. What can it mean?

War, romance, and gospel truth unite in this remarkable sequel to The Shenandoah Road.

A Cord of Three Strands by Christy Distler

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1756 – Pennsylvania

Born to a French trader and a Lenape woman. Reared by Quakers. As the French & Indian War rages, one man strives for peace–between Pennsylvania and its Indian tribes, and between his own heart and mind.

As 1756 dawns, Isaac Lukens leaves the Pennsylvania wilderness after two years with the Lenape people. He’s failed to find the families of his birth parents, a French trader and a Lenape woman. Worse, the tribe he’s lived with, having rejected his peacemaking efforts, now ravages frontier settlements in retaliation. When he arrives in the Quaker community where he was reared, questions taunt him: Who is he–white man or Lenape? And where does he belong?

Elisabeth Alden, Isaac’s dearest childhood friend, is left to tend her young siblings alone upon her father’s death. Despite Isaac’s promise to care for her and the children, she battles resentment toward him for having left, while an unspeakable tragedy and her discordant courtship with a prominent Philadelphian weigh on her as well.

Elisabeth must marry or lose guardianship of her siblings, and her options threaten the life with her and the children that Isaac has come to love. Faced with Elisabeth’s hesitancy to marry, the prospect of finding his family at last, and the opportunity to assist in the peace process between Pennsylvania and its Indian tribes, Isaac must determine where–and to whom–the Almighty has called him.

A Cord of Three Strands weaves fact and fiction into a captivating portrayal of Colonial-era Quaker life, including Friends’ roles in Pennsylvania Indian relations and in refuting slavery.

The Captured Bride by Michelle Griep

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1759 – New York

A War-Torn Countryside Is No Place for a Lady

Mercy Lytton is a lady like none other. Raised amongst the Mohawks, she straddles two cultures, yet each are united in one cause. . .to defeat the French. Born with a rare gift of unusually keen eyesight, she is chosen as a scout to accompany a team of men on a dangerous mission. Yet it is not her life that is threatened. It is her heart. 

Condemned as a traitor, Elias Dubois faces the gallows. At the last minute, he is offered his freedom if he consents to accompany a stolen shipment of French gold to a nearby fort—but he is the one they stole it from in the first place. It turns out that the real thief is the beguiling woman, Mercy Lytton, for she steals his every waking thought.  

Can love survive divided loyalties in a backcountry wilderness?

Northkill by Bob and J. M. Hochstetler

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1752-1757 – Pennsylvania

In 1738 Jakob Hochstetler and his family arrive in America, seeking sanctuary from religious persecution in Europe and the freedom to live and worship according to their Anabaptist beliefs, which include the doctrine of nonresistance. Along with other members of their church, they settle in the Northkill Amish Mennonite community on the Pennsylvania frontier between civilization and wilderness. They build a home near Northkill Creek, for which their community is named. For eighteen years, the community lives at peace. Then, while the French and Indian War rages, the Hochstetlers’ way of life is brutally shattered. Early on the morning of September 20, 1757, their home is attacked by a party of Delaware and Shawnee warriors allied with the French. Facing certain death with his wife and children, Jakob makes a wrenching choice that will tear apart his family and change all of their lives forever. Northkill is closely based on an inspiring true story well-known among the Amish and Mennonites. It has been documented in many publications and in contemporary accounts preserved in the Pennsylvania State Archives and in private collections.

Lily’s Plight by Dianna Crawford and Sally Laity

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Lily’s Plight (Harwood House)Lilysplight

1757 – Pennsylvania

Journey to Pennsylvania backcountry during the French and Indian War. Indentured servant Lily Harwood has always thought of herself as a good Christian lass. . .until she is struck with a deeper, more profound plight than the war that rages around her. When her mistress’s husband returns home on a short furlough, Lily finds herself falling in love with him. As Lily is caught between passion and sorrow in harrowing times, can she find hope in the promises of God?

Rose’s Pledge by Dianna Crawford and Sally Laity

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Rose’s Pledgerosespledge

1753 -Indian Territory

Step back into the early days of America, where Rose Harwood and her sisters become indentured to the highest bidders. When Rose’s new owner takes her deep into Indian Territory, a young frontiersman named Nate Kinyon tags along, hoping to save Rose from the machinations of a grubby trader and the appraising looks of young braves. How much is he willing to pay—in dollars and sense—to redeem the woman he loves? And how much is Rose willing to sacrifice for his protection?

The Christmas Bride by Melanie Dobson

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christmasbrideThe Christmas Bride (formerly titled Love Finds You in Nazareth, Pennsylvania)

1755 – Pennsylvania

They were strangers when they married, but they both long for love. Christian and Susanna had never met when they were chosen by lot to marry in a Moravian community in Germany. But in 1755, they traveled with a dozen other newly married couples to
Nazareth, Pennsylvania, to help establish a Moravian borough and share their faith with the
surrounding Indian nations. Susanna’s heart warms toward her new husband even after she learns that he had wished to marry another woman in Germany. As war rages between
the British and French Indians and their young marriage faces hardship, Susanna wonders if
Christian will ever return her love. 

Liberty’s Promise by Amber Stockton

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Liberty’s Promise (Romancing America: Delaware)libertyspromise

Colonial – Delaware

Relive the birth of a new country as three Delaware women battle for determining to whom they can entrust their hearts. Raelene feels abandoned to the care of a man she dislikes, but is there peace in following the wishes of her deceased father? Elanna’s inquisitive mind may lead her down the road to heartbreak, and will her love for an older man turn into a passing fancy when his integrity is questioned? Margret’s loyalties are torn when the colonists rebel, for how can a love for a British soldier survive when it’s built on deception that is bound to backfire? Will each woman find her place of freedom to embrace her faith and trust her heart to love?