To Love a Viking by Heather Day Gilbert and Jen Cudmore

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998 – Fictitious Country (Scandinavia area)

Get swept up in an enthralling new romance series featuring women who rule the hearts of Viking men.

Forced into a financially advantageous marriage that spirals into a nightmare, Ellisif cannot help but imagine what might have been and ache for what was lost. The only lights in her life are her daughters and the friendships she’s forged with the household servants.

Though seven years have passed since Ellisif wed another man, Dagar still cannot forget the woman who captured his youthful heart. As the Viking warrior battles for his country’s future, he finds himself entangled in a personal war for Ellisif’s freedom that could cost his family their reputation and standing with the king. If he risks all, can he save the woman whose face still haunts his dreams? And if given another chance, will she choose him?

Escaped slave Inara is determined to start a new life. Under the guidance of warrior and shipbuilder Håkon, her sword skill grows, as does her confidence that the Viking men will accept her as a warrior in her own right.

When she is selected to lead a perilous rescue mission to protect Ellisif, Inara finds herself blindsided by feelings for Håkon…and by threats to her freedom far closer than she feared. As dreams and desires collide, she wrestles against the lies holding her captive. Can she conquer her doubts before all that she’s hoped for slips from her hands?

The Thrall’s Sword by Grace Caylor

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700s – Ireland

On the night Sigrid, a seventeen-year-old Norse slave, is to accompany her dead master on a fiery longship to Valhalla, the cruel Jarl Ragnar murders her mother.

When two fishermen rescue her from her fate in the seas, grief-stricken Sigrid joins them on their mission to warn the Irish of the oncoming Viking raiders. As she continues her journey, her hatred for Jarl Ragnar grows and she secretly vows to destroy him.

However, as her new friend Erik teaches her about his God, a surprising power begins to work inside her heart. Yet when Sigrid has the chance to seize vengeance, will sweet revenge or a foreign god free her from despair?

Hawk by Murray Pura

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517 – England

I am the man Morah. I have a story to tell.

It is a story of history, a story of faith, a story of love.

Five hundred years after the birth of Christ, a fledgling faith is on the verge of extinction. Visigoths, Vikings and Picts have destroyed a way of life brought to these northern lands by the Romans.

Except…on a small island off the British coast, faith in a God who walked the earth still thrives. Here, a young man named Hawk takes up a quest to find the deeper truths of God and bring them home. He is prepared to stand against the forces of darkness unyielding and overcome them.

This quest could cost Hawk everything – his life, his love, his faith.

Hereafter by Jody Hedlund

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Medieval 820s – Mercia (England)

The third lost princess. The final key to the treasure. And a battle for the throne.

Growing up deep in the forest as a poor charcoal burner’s daughter, Emmeline has always known her identity as a princess of Mercia, and she lives in fear of being caught and killed. When her adopted father returns from town with news regarding the imminence of war, Emmeline has no wish to join the rebellion against King Ethelwulf.

Prince Ethelrex, the strongest warrior in the land, has done everything he can to prove his loyalty to his father, including searching for the last lost princess. When Ethelrex finally captures Emmeline, the king commands his son to marry the princess in order to win the support of the people and undermine the rebellion.

Forced into marriage, Emmeline has one goal—to escape. But Ethelrex takes his marriage vows seriously, including his promise to love and cherish his wife, and has no intention of letting Emmeline get away. As the battle for the throne rages, will the prince be able to win the battle for Emmeline’s heart?

Foremost by Jody Hedlund

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Medieval 820s – Mercia (England)

A second princess. Another key to the treasure. And a cruel king desperate to squelch the growing rebellion.

Raised in an isolated abbey, Lady Maribel desires nothing more than to become a nun and continue practicing her healing arts. She’s carefree and happy with her life…until a visitor comes to the abbey and reveals her true identity as one of the lost princesses.

When he was a young boy, Edmund Chambers helplessly watched King Ethelwulf murder his family. Edmund escaped and has lived in the abbey ever since, uniquely trained to work with wild animals. Secretly, he loves Maribel and desperately hopes she doesn’t complete her holy order vows.

When King Ethelwulf’s army arrives at the abbey to capture Maribel, she flees with Edmund across the desolate Highlands in an attempt to reach Adelaide’s rebel army. Edmund can no longer hide his love, but can Maribel give up her dreams of becoming a nun to love him in return?

Evermore by Jody Hedlund

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Medieval 820s – Mercia (England)

An ancient key. A secret treasure. And a princess destined to use them both to fight evil and restore peace.

Raised by a noble family, Lady Adelaide has always known she’s an orphan. Little does she realize she’s one of the lost princesses and the true heir to Mercia’s throne…until a visitor arrives at her family estate, reveals her birthright as queen, and thrusts her into a quest for the throne whether she’s ready or not.

Unable to tolerate King Ethelwulf’s cruelty and lawlessness, Christopher Langley left Mercia years earlier, training a group of rebels in neighboring Norland. When he returns home after his mother’s death, he discovers that not only is Adelaide all grown up, but she’s also the rightful queen of Mercia.

When King Ethelwulf discovers Adelaide’s location, he’ll stop at nothing to capture her and the key she holds to the ancient treasure. Christopher is just as determined to protect Adelaide so she can lead the growing rebellion. When feelings ignite between the two old friends, forces threaten to destroy their love and rip them apart forever.


Always by Jody Hedlund

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Medieval 820s – Mercia (England)

A fierce elite guard. A loyal lady in waiting. They must work together to save three princesses from certain death.

On the verge of dying after giving birth to twins, the queen of Mercia pleads with Lady Felicia to save her infant daughters. With the castle overrun by King Ethelwulf’s invading army, Lady Felicia vows to do whatever she can to take the newborn princesses and their three-year old sister to safety, even though it means sacrificing everything she holds dear, possibly her own life.

Gravely wounded in battle and knowing all is lost to his enemy, the king of Mercia tasks Lance, one of his fiercest elite guards, to protect his family along with keys to an ancient treasure. As Lance makes plans to sneak the princesses out of the capital city, he doesn’t need or want Lady Felicia’s help.

With the dark enemy in pursuit, Lance and Felicia must put aside their differences to outrun King Ethelwulf and prevent him from killing the princesses. In a desperate attempt to hide the young girls, Lance and Felicia agree to a marriage of convenience, a decision that will change their lives—and hearts—forever.

The Medallion by Mark E. Fisher

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486 – Gaul/Ireland

Everyone knows Ty’s sister fell off the cliffs and drowned. But something—is it a feeling?—gnaws at him, driving him to search for her in barbarian Gaul. When Ty and his father visit the Ulster king in ancient, Celtic Ireland, Ty and his new friend, Prince Cairell, flee for the coast at midnight. Ty is attracted to Cairell’s mysterious sister, Sorca, who refuses to remain behind. Cairell’s brother pursues, planning to kill them all to secure his inheritance to the throne.

After Ty’s father, Taran, returns home, the druids plan sacrifices to the old gods. Too old to help, Taran knows only Ty can bring the clan back to the truth. But years pass. And where is Ty?

Ahead, the armies of Clovis, king of the Franks, drive the Romans from Gaul. How, amidst such chaos, can Ty learn the truth about his sister or win the heart of Sorca?

Aquila by Vince Rockston

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568 – Italy

Silvanus is angry. Perplexed. And afraid.

Angry that his dad made him undertake this precarious trek. Perplexed about the future. And afraid of the fearful stone god, Aquila the Avenger, who haunts him wherever he goes. His dream? Escape the little isle of Ilva and discover the wide world.

What supernatural power is it that brings him instead to old Cerbonius’ cave? And how will this exiled bishop’s uncanny wisdom shape the lad’s future?

Good fortune, villainy, heart searching, romance and inspired counsel lead Silvanus to make life-changing choices.

The Man of Her Dreams by Leanne Burroughs

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themanofherdreamsThe Man of Her Dreams – CHRISTIAN version of My Dream Came True

950 – Norway

What if your future was the past?

Miranda Wellborn takes a trip of a lifetime to Norway to explore visions given her by recurring dreams. Never in her life does she imagine touching a real Viking ship will send her one thousand years into the past. She is soon claimed by a Viking warrior, the man from her visions. But her dreams are nothing like the reality of living in a time that is not her own, and she struggles to learn how to survive until she can return home.

Agnar Eiricksson hates the Danes. Bent on exacting revenge against them for killing his lady wife, he forges plans to attack their shores and enslave men, women and children. So why would he rather possess one spoil of war than keep her chained with the rest of the thralls?

When Agnar accepts the truth of where she’s from, he must decide if keeping her with him is the right choice. Miranda must use every ounce of self-preservation to keep her heart concealed from her fierce warrior. Where is her destiny meant to be? Back in Florida, or will love win out and keep her with the man of her dreams?