Whispers on the Tide by Naomi Rawlings

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1887 – Alaska

He only offered her passage to Alaska. But they end up fighting for something bigger along the way…

Maggie McDougal is determined to save her family’s land after her parents’ sudden deaths. And if that means leaving the sandy shores of Lake Michigan and traveling across the country to Washington Territory in search of her brother so he can claim the land, then so be it. Anything is better than watching the land she loves fall into her uncle’s greedy, conniving hands.

The trouble is, when the ship that her brother works on arrives in Bellingham, her brother isn’t on it. But Captain Sacha Amos is. And when he offers to take Maggie north to Alaska where she can meet her brother on his new ship, she has little choice about saying yes.

Except Alaska doesn’t turn out quite like she thought, at least not after she meets the gruff captain’s large, sprawling, family. A family that happens to include one sister who’s a doctor, another who’s a lawyer, and two half siblings that the family loves against all odds.

Or after she discovers the secret study that a scientist is conducting aboard Sacha’s ship—one that just might put an end to seals being illegally killed for their pelts.

But seal pelts are worth a lot of money, and if word leaks about what Sacha’s trying to do, he’s going to find himself in the crosshairs of some very powerful men.

Caught between her mission to save her family’s land and the escalating tension in Alaska, Maggie soon finds herself fighting for something that’s bigger than just property or family ties. And she just might discover a new home along the way—one that offers more warmth and love than she ever imagined possible.