Wagon Train Dreams by Linda Ford

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1880s – Traveling

Forbidden love and unwavering courage.

Seeking a fresh start, widowed Hazel packs her belongings and joins her family in a covered wagon headed west. She yearns for a safe and stable life for herself and her son. But the tranquility she seeks is disrupted when she finds herself drawn to Joe Dumont, the half-native, half-white scout for their wagon train. Though his gentle spirit calls to her, Hazel knows a relationship with Joe would never bring the security she desires, nor would society accept their love.

Joe discovers in Hazel a woman who touches his heart, but the prejudice she would face for associating with him plagues his thoughts. Caught between two worlds, he understands the challenges of their growing attraction and tries to discourage it. Even as he tries, and fails, to control his own heart.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Joe and Hazel’s feelings only grow stronger on the journey. On the open trail with only their hearts to guide them, Joe and Hazel discover a love destined to change their lives. But the hostility of others and threats from angry men seem about to tear them apart. Will they find the courage to stand up against prejudice and claim their love? Or will the clashing of their very different worlds keep them eternally apart?