Miss Hespa by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A determined young woman with a dream.
A handsome doctor willing to help her.
And one big obstacle.

Hespa Pendergrass dreams of becoming a veterinarian. But if she can’t convince her parents she’s got what it takes, her dream will never become a reality. Lucky for her, a professor at the college she wants to attend, agrees to meet with her. With this man’s backing, she was sure to get in! There was only one problem. Okay, maybe two. Her parents still didn’t think she had what it takes, and they carted her off to Fiddler’s Gap for her best friend’s wedding. So what if she agreed to be the maid of honor! If she didn’t get back in time, she’d miss her one chance of speaking to the professor! How was she going to convince her parents to high tail it back to Baltimore?

Temple Garrett came to Fiddler’s Gap for the peace and quiet. He even sent off for a mail-order bride. But when the Pendergrass family shows up in town for a wedding, his world is turned upside down. Hespa Pendergrass fancies herself a veterinarian in training, and wouldn’t you know, she’s good at it? After she helps with someone’s plow horse and a few other animals, Temple is convinced she has want it takes to survive the training needed to become a veterinarian. Unfortunately, he should have paid closer attention to what his heart was doing while working with her. For once she went back to Baltimore, he’d never see her again. Did he have the strength to let her go and chase her dream?