Friends and Enemies by Stephen Bly

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1891 – South Dakota

ROBERT FORTUNE IS THE LAST ONE TO COME HOME. Robert is not like his father, the legendary Brazos Fortune. Not a businessman like his brother Todd. Not a notorious retired gunslinger like his brother Sam. Nor the social darlings of the Black Hills like little sister, Dacee June. Hes a career soldier who no longer has a career. With the discipline of a West Point graduate, and the rock solid faith his long-departed mother, Robert moves his family to Deadwood to join the rest of the clan. And in Deadwood, Robert finds not only his placeas a railroad detectivebut a fistful of enemies, all seeking vengeance against him and his family.

Winds of Allegiance by Linda Chaikin

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British-Russian Savana Rezanov Mackenzie is drawn to two different men–Baron Peter Sarakof, who promises to reunite Savana with her Russian grandmother, Countess Rezanov, and Captain Trace Wilder, an American whose ambition is to see the Pacific northwest belong to the United States.

Empire Builders by Linda Chaikin

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1870s – Washington Territory

Steel tracks and the lure of the sea brought them to Washington Territory, but only a few would triumph.

EMBER RIDGEWAY is the vivacious, pampered niece of the railroad tycoon, Mack Ridgeway. Orphaned at a young age, Ember’s struggle for identity in a world of greed leaves her feeling empty and alone. But then Tavish Wilder enters her life, and Ember’s dreams begin to include the one thing her uncle’s money can’t buy.

TAVISH WILDER’S driving ambition is to rise up as a powerful timber baron in the Northwest Territory in order to gain the acceptance he needs to marry the one woman he wants. But life in the train camps is a world away from his dreams, and the road to success is riddled with treachery.

KAIN WILDER, Tavish’s father, had sealed his fate on the night of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Could God forgive a past shattered by dreadful secrets?

Their dreams brought them together.
Would tragedy and deceit drive them apart?