Dream of Love by Michael Phillips

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1852 – Carolinas

As the Civil War rages on, plantation owners Richmond and Carolyn Davidson continue to follow the path God set out for them—as an important link in the Underground Railroad, helping runaway slaves flee to the Northern states. Meanwhile, their older son, Seth, is working as a war photographer for the North—and their younger son, Thomas, is a Confederate soldier. Torn by war on both sides, the Davidsons pray for both of their sons to come home safe—even as they struggle to keep their land in the face of financial troubles.

When Seth is reported missing and feared dead, the family despairs. But his new love, Cherity Waters, refuses to accept the news passively. She sets out on a dangerous journey through the war-torn South to find Seth—and bring him home safe.

Pieces of Silver by Maureen Lang

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1917 – Washington DC

Threats, betrayal and love . . .

Liesel Bonner never questioned her loyalty to America—until she is forced to either protect or betray the man everyone expects her to marry.

David de Serra is the intriguing and handsome federal agent demanding Liesel’s help in his case against her would-be fiancé.

Set during the turbulence of 1917 as America is swept into the Great War, this is a tale of faith, betrayal and unexpected love.

All Liesel Bonner wants is to be part of the great service army, joining everyday Americans working to support the government and soldiers headed overseas to fight the Germans. But living in a place like Washington, D.C. makes it difficult to find someone willing to hire a German American.

All David de Serra wants is to stop German espionage—and to do so fairly, without targeting innocent German Americans.

David believes Liesel’s choice is easy: her country’s needs are more important than the loyalty she holds for a man she never really knew. When the lines blur between what both of them want, their lives are altered forever.




Remember Me by Maureen Lang

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1917 – Washington DC

For Josef von Woerner, remembering his past will destroy his future.

In this riveting sequel to Pieces of Silver, Josef von Woerner is a wanted man. After America enters the Great War, Josef is uncovered as a saboteur working against his own country. Trying to escape arrest, he is wounded by a federal agent, but a mysterious stranger rescues and hides him away. He wakes without a single memory of his notorious past.

Lissa Parker wants only one thing: to serve America in the long tradition of her patriotic family. But when called to help an injured neighbor she soon finds herself falling in love with him—the man without a past.

Once Josef regains his memory, he knows his only path to happiness is to bring his two lives together under one faith. He must make himself worthy of Lissa even if it means losing her forever.





The Midwife of St. Petersburg by Linda Chaikin

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1914 – Russia

It is Czarist Russia, 1914. Karena Peshkev dreams of escaping her family’s country estate and attending medical school. But each year, as she watches her hopes of being accepted to the Imperial College of Medicine slip further away, she must content herself with working alongside her mother, the village’s Jewish midwife.
On a visit to her cousin’s sumptuous mansion, Karena gets a taste of Russian high society–and meets Colonel Alexsandr Kronstadt. Their attraction is immediate, but they can never act on it. Alex is meant for Karena’s cousin, the general’s daughter, a superior match politically and socially.

But when the accusations of Bolshevik conspiracy tear her family apart, Karena and her mother flee to St. Petersburg. The Okhrana–the Russian secret police–are convinced Karena is a Bolshevik traitor, in league with the rebel party’s leader. Certain she is guilty of murder and assassination, they’re determined to hunt her down. Alex risks his career and his life to protect her from afar, but will it be enough? Will he find her in time to save her from false accusations–and declare his love?
Vibrant with historical detail and richly woven themes of danger, romance, and God’s faithfulness, The Midwife of St. Petersburg is an eloquent tale portraying the beauty and madness of a country that is about to change forever.

Silent Star by Tracie Peterson

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1940s – Pennsylvania

In the 1940s, the small Pennsylvania town of Haven is rather subdued with their young men facing battles in far-away Europe. Young Andy Gilbert, burdened with his job of delivering telegrams bringing the news of those missing or killed in action, faces the coming holidays with dread and discouragement. With each new message he must deliver–met by screaming mothers, grief-stricken wives, and weeping families–he longs to join the ranks of the numbered dead. Only one elderly woman recognizes the pain and suffering tormenting Andy–and it is through her wisdom that the stars again can shine for Andy and for a town that desperately needs the hope those stars represent. A touching novella book from a bestselling novelist.

Rachel’s Prayer by Leisha Kelly

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1942 – Illinois

The Wortham family has been tested through hard times of injury, illness, and loss. But with the world on the brink of war, they are about to be tested again. And this time, they’ll face the ultimate test: one of courage and survival.

Just days after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Robert Wortham and Willy Hammond enlist. As they head off to fight, their families are left behind to deal with fears of what lies ahead for their beloved brothers and sons. Armed with their faith in God and a bold prayer from Robert’s girlfriend, Rachel, the Worthams and Hammonds can only hope for peace, strength, and a greater understanding of God amidst this cruel conflict that could forever change the future of both families.

The continuing story of the Wortham family and book 2 in the Country Road Chronicles, Rachel’s Prayer is a powerful saga of courage and faith during the Second World War.

A Woman’s Place by Lynn Austin

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A Woman’s Placeawoman'splace

1942 – Michigan

They watched their sons, their brothers, and their husbands enlist to fight a growing menace across the seas. And when their nation asked, they answered the call as well. Virginia longs to find a purpose beyond others’ expectations. Helen is driven by a loneliness money can’t fulfill. Rosa is desperate to flee her in-laws’ rules. Jean hopes to prove herself in a man’s world. Under the storm clouds of destruction that threaten America during the early 1940s, this unlikely gathering of women will experience life in sometimes starling new ways as their beliefs are challenged and they struggle toward a new understanding of what love and sacrifice truly mean. 

Dream of Life by Michael Phillips

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1830s – Carolinas

With their beloved plantation, Greenwood, now a vital link in the Underground Railroad, Richmond and Carolyn Davidson must balance the need for safety with their commitment to helping the many runaways who appear at their door. Compounding their danger, the Davidson’s neighbors, the Beaumonts, do not approve of their decision—and view them with suspicion.

The danger intensifies when the Davidsons’ older son, Seth, becomes engaged to Veronica, the Beaumonts’ beautiful, scheming daughter—against her parents’ wishes. As the two families are swept up in events leading up to the Civil War, they must choose sides—in a conflict that will change their lives forever.

William Henry is a Fine Name by Cathy Gohlke

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William Henry is a Fine Namewilliamhenryisafinename

1859 – Maryland and North Carolina

Thirteen-year-old Robert is torn between loyalty to his abolitionist father and his mother’s slave-holding family.

After his best friend, WIlliam Henry, is trapped in a deadly scheme to protect secrets of the Underground Railroad, Robert vows never to get involved again. But when he discovers his grandfather’s plan to sell his own son, born of a slave woman, Robert must decide whether to stand idly by or risk everything to help him escape.

“William Henry is a Fine Name” is a coming-of-age story, a tale of friends–and a nation–caught in the chaos of slavery, forced to take a stand.

From Dust and Ashes by Tricia Goyer

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1945 – Austria

It is 1945, and a group of American soldiers liberate a Nazi concentration camp. Helene is the abandoned wife of an SS guard who has fled to avoid arrest. Overcome by guilt, she begins to help meet the needs of survivors. Throughout the process, she finds her own liberation–from spiritual bondage, sin, and guilt. Readers will be intrigued and touched by this fascinating story of love, faithfulness, and courage amidst one of the darkest chapters of mankind’s history.

Arms of Deliverance by Tricia Goyer

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1944 – Belgium

Mary and Lee have gone from best friends to competing WWII journalists, but a bombing raid gone wrong puts Mary’s life at risk and sends Lee on a heroic rescue attempt through the fierce teeth of combat. Then, amidst an adventurous struggle for freedom, they uncover the story of the unspeakable Lebensborn atrocity.

To Love Somebody by Lyn Cote

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tolovesomebodyTo Love Somebody (formerly titled Leigh)

1963 – Maryland

A child of the sixties, Leigh Sinclair always knows what she wants. So why does her mother Bette always try to hold her back? Leigh senses there must be something behind her mother’s inclination to overprotect her. But her mother will not let go and it builds a wall between them.

When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, sets in motion his March on Washington in 1963, no one least of all, Leigh, could have predicted how this would impact her life especially when she meets handsome but forbidden Frank Dawson III.

Leigh faces all the challenges of the 1960’s, the Cold War, Vietnam, a turbulent time in the US and the world. With the change in women’s rights, she confronts so many new possibilities and choices her grandmother Chloe never faced. Falling for the wrong man brings her consequences she never envisioned. Falling in love with the right man proves heart-breaking too. Will she never get it right? Then one day the worst she could imagine happens. Who can help her make this come right?

Dawn of a Thousand Nights by Tricia Goyer

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1941 – Hawaii

Following on the heels of Goyer’s From Dust and Ashes and Night Song, readers journey with Dan Fletcher and Libby Conner, both U.S. pilots fighting in WWII’s Pacific Theater. Fletcher is captured by the Japanese and is forced to endure the horror of the Bataan Death March in the Philippines. It is here that he encounters Natsu Hidiki, a guard whose nagging conscience won’t let him ignore the human degradation in which he is participating. Libby Conner is a WASP (Women’s Air Force Service Pilot), who ferries military planes between Hawaii and the South Pacific. By the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, she has turned the head of Fletcher in no small way. Readers will be captivated by this tale of dignity and honor triumphing in the midst of a very dark time in history.

Glimpses of Paradise James Scott Bell

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1920s – California

A sweeping historical epic about dreams and dreamers, love and lovers, and the glitter factory of Hollywood

Two high school kids in small town Nebraska have their dreams. Zee, a minister’s daughter, wants to be a movie star. Doyle, the son of a wealthy lawyer, expects to follow in his father’s footsteps and practice law.

But World War I explodes and changes everyone forever. When Doyle ends up on the battlefields of France, though he performs ably, he comes home disillusioned. Rejecting his parents’ pleas to return to school, he finds himself in Los Angeles on the bottom rung of society.

Zee Miller is also in L. A., having run away from her father and the religion of her youth. But a stunning string of events, resulting in a charge of murder, will see their lives intersecting again in a way that may shatter them both.

Had to Be You by Lyn Cote

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hadtobeyouHad to Be You (Formerly titled Bette)

1930s/40s – Maryland

Coming of age in the deep Depression, Chloe’s daughter, Bette faces a troubled world. Her mother and father have taken in Gretel, a Jewish girl her same age sent by her family from Nazi Germany. In the KKK South this is met with animosity. As she finishes high school, Bette falls in love with a young man who applauds her family’s decision. The two become informally engaged and Bette dreams of a future as a wife and mother with him, clipping recipes and living the quiet life.

But Hitler and others who seek world domination interfere with her plans. As her fiance attends college in Georgetown, she works as a secretary in the War Department. And that job leads her into the murky world of espionage. The US, Canada and England have banded together to foil German spies working to gain American military secrets. Bette never considered being a spy even in her wildest dreams. But she will do anything to stop these enemies, those who are persecuting Gretel’s family. But after swearing an oath, she can tell no on–not even the man she loves.

The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor. War crashes over them all and again Bette and her love are separated. Another man has entered her life, one who works with her to foil Hitler. A man she resists but who won’t take no for an answer. When the war ends, which will she choose–the young man she fell in love with as a girl or the man who taught her how to be a spy?
The Carlyle Women-four generations, 
each facing the challenges of her time 
and each harboring her own painful secret~

The Victory Club by Robin Lee Hatcher

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1943 – Idaho

In times of war, sometimes victory seems like an impossible dream …

In 1943, the women of America banded together to make a life for themselves while their husbands and sons fought overseas. Even as the men engaged in war, these women faced battles of their own on the homefront.

Margo King: A woman whose past threatens to control her future.
Dottie King: One passionate mistake could destroy her dreams.
Lucy Andersen: Lonely and afraid, she turns to another while her husband is away.
Penny Maxfield: Desperate for a new life, nothing – not even her family – can hold her back.

Margo, Dottie, Lucy, and Penny never expected to face the hardships they must now find a way to conquer. But through the power of Christ, and the power of friendship, perhaps this Victory Club will achieve more than any of them could ever have imagined.

Shadow of His Hand by Wendy Lawton

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1938 – Germany

Young Anita Dittman’s world crumbles as Hitler begins his rise to power in Germany, but because she’s a Christian and only half-Jewish, Anita feels sure she and her family are safe from “the Final Solution”. She couldn’t have been more wrong. Shadow of His Hand is an inspirational young adult historical fiction book based on the real-life story of Anita Dittman, a Holocaust survivor. It follows her struggle against Nazi persecution and her growth in her relationship with God through the worst of times.

King’s Ransom by Jan Beazely and Thom Lemmons

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1940 – Bulgaria

Based on a True Story

Set during the darkest days of World War II, King’s Ransom tells the heroic story of Tsar Boris III, King of Bulgaria, and his extraordinary efforts to save his country’s Jewish population from Hitler’s concentration camps. Aware of the price he might pay for his risks, Boris faced the Third Reich with courage and resolve, firm in his Christian convictions that would not permit him to abandon nearly 50,000 Jews. Boris, along with members of the Orthodox Church, Jewish religious leaders, and others, ultimately ensured that no Bulgarian Jews lost their lives to Hitler’s regime. Boris’s quest to save Bulgaria’s Jews is interwoven with the love story of Daria, the Jewish attendant to the Bulgarian royal family, and Dobri, a sergeant in the king’s guard. With courageous characters and passionate storytelling, King’s Ransom reveals how individuals acting on faith can change the course of history.

Land of My Heart by Tracie Peterson

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1864 – Montana

Adventurers, families, outlaws…all driven west in the 1860s by a longing for endless blue sky along with wild and wide-open spaces. When Dianne Chadwick urges her family to move west to her uncle’s ranch in the Montana Territory, she has no idea that her new life in the rugged frontier–and even within her uncle’s home–will not be the idyllic adventure she expects. But first she has to survive the arduous wagon journey with the help of guide Cole Selby, whose heart seems to be as hard as the mountains he loves.



Faithful Traitor by Jill Stengl

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1774 – New York

Mr. LaTournay, a wealthy New York merchant, desires her as his bride. Despite Georgette’s objections, her British parents transact the engagement. Amid rumors of war and disastrous setbacks for British loyalists, Georgette meets her ideal: a masked, mysterious, yet devoted admirer who speaks of faithful love. Honor compels her to send him away, but she cannot forget him – even when she learns that he is a traitorous conspirator whose life is forfeit to the Crown. True to her vows, Georgette attempts to forget her secret love – until accusations bring her own loyalty into question. Surely Georgette cannot love a treacherous spy whose face she has never seen! Yet how can she bring herself to betray him? 

Night Song by Tricia Goyer

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1942 – Germany/Austria

The little-known, but true story of the orchestra started by prisoners in Hitler’s Mauthausen death camp. This courageous orchestra played the American national anthem as Allied troops arrived to liberate the camps. Around the orchestra story, Tricia weaves the fictional stories of a beautiful member of the Austrian resistance, the American GI who loves her, and a young prisoner who fakes his way into the camp orchestra in a desperate attempt to stay alive.

Fire by Night Lynn Austin

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1861 – Virginia

Two young women in a land shattered by war test the limits of their strength.

Lovely Julia Hoffman has always enjoyed the carefree life of her well-to-do Philadelphia family. But when she fails to attract the attention of Nathaniel Greene, a fierce abolitionist, she shocks her family by becoming a Union nurse. Will that be enough to win Nathaniel’s heart?

Phoebe Bigelow, from western Virginia, has always been a misfit, and when her brothers join the Union army, she also enlists–under false pretenses.

Soon, both have their eyes opened to the realities of war and suffering. Neither is quite ready for the demands of her new life, but their journeys of sacrifice and love are sure to change them in unexpected ways.

Candle in the Darkness by Lynn Austin

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Candle in the Darkness (Refiner’s Fire, Book 1)candleinthedarkness
 1860 – Virginia

CAUGHT in a nation splitting apart.

ANGERED by those who would enslave others.

EMBOLDENED by a passion to make a difference.

TORN between the one she loves and a truth she can’t deny.

Here is Caroline Fletcher’s story.

Candle in the Darkness, Book One in the Refiner’s Fire series, tells the story of a timid southern girl who finds her voice as she begins to tell the truth about the atrocities around her. A short stay in the North confirms her abolitionist feelings, but when she returns to the South she finds herself torn between her home, a beloved suitor who doesn’t share her feelings, and the principles she knows are true. Standing for right may mean standing alone. Does she have the courage?

The Mystic Rose by Stephen R. Lawhead

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11th Century – Turkey/Spain

A thousand years after its disappearance, the Mystic Rose—the fabled Chalice of the Last Supper—has been found, and the warrior monks of the Knights Templar, led by the ruthless and corrupt Renaud de Bracineaux, will stop at nothing to possess it. One brave, dauntless, noblewoman stands in their way . . .

Born among the hills of Scotland, and raised on the Crusader tales of her grandfather, Murdo, and her father, Duncan, young Cait is determined to claim the Holy Cup for her own. Guided by a handful of clues gleaned from a stolen letter, Cait and a small band of knights follow a treacherous trail that leads from the shadowed halls of Saint Sophia into the heart of Moorish Spain and a world long unseen by Christian eyes. A journey whose end means victory . . . or death.

All the Way Home by Ann Tatlock

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1930s/1960s – California/Mississippi

From a rough section of Los Angeles during the late Depression years, to the civil rights struggles of the 1960s in the South, this novel is a searing portrayal of one family trapped by alcoholism and another living the typical middle class life. A true American story told through the eyes of two girls, best friends, separated by the internment camps of World War II.

His Watchful Eye by Jack Cavanaugh

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1943/1989 – Russia/US

World War II. The army of the Third Reich. Konrad Reichmann, a model of Hitler’s youth movement, becomes disillusioned as the reality of the Russian front bears no resemblance to the glory the Fuhrer portrayed in his speeches. Even lower than his unit’s morale are supplies and fuel as Russia’s winter sets in. When the slaughter of innocents opens his eyes to the true nature of the Reich, Konrad embarks upon a bold and dangerous plan to put a stop to the horror and change the course of history.


Friday’s Child by Linda Chaikin

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1940s – England/Scotland

It’s World War II, and Vanessa Mortimer has turned the family estate into a temporary shelter for refugees. But in this place of sanctuary, trouble stirs. When Trevor, a wounded doctor, is accused of being a spy, Vanessa rallies to his defense. Yet even as she supports him, she cannot deny the convincing evidence that Scott, a RAF pilot, presents. As the two men seek to win her heart, Vanessa must decide whom to trust—Trevor or Scott?

Friday’s child has a heart to love and give, but she also needs wisdom and prudence. Will she discover the truth before it’s too late?

Thursday’s Child by Linda Chaikin

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1940s – England/Egypt/Greece

Thursday’s Child is the newest adventure/romance in the popular A Day to Remember series by award-winning author Linda Chaikin.

When Paulette marries Garret Holden, she’s certain their love will last. Their first year is exciting and romantic…until tragedy strikes. They suffer a bitter separation, and Paulette blames Garret. Then her uncle sends word from Greece that Garret has been shot and is hunted by German agents. When Paulette sets out on a perilous journey to find him, Hitler’s army is ready to storm Athens.

“Thursday’s child has far to go” in her search for her husband—and her own journey. Leaving a place of safety, Paulette puts herself into God’s hands to reconcile with the man she’s promised to love forever.

Edge of Honor Gilbert Morris

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1865 – Arkansas

Quentin Larribee is a surgeon–one of the best. But in the confusion of one of the Civil War’s last, desperate skirmishes, the hands devoted to healing bring death to William Breckenridge, an enemy soldier in the act of surrendering. Now the deed haunts Quentin.

A bright future lies before him, with marriage to the lovely Irene Chambers and eventual ownership of her father’s prosperous medical practice. But it cannot ease Quentin’s troubled conscience. Honor compels him to see to the welfare of the dead man’s family.

Quentin moves from New York City to the little town of Helena, Arkansas, where he attempts to save the wife of Breckenridge and her children from financial ruin. But in trying to solve one problem, he creates another, falling in love with the widow of the man he killed–a woman who knows nothing of his terrible secret.Two women beckon Quentin–one to a life where his gift as a healer can prosper beyond his wildest dreams, the other to a truer but impossible love.

Edge of Honor is an unforgettable novel of redemption and honor, where good is found in the unlikeliest places and God’s unseen hand weaves a masterful tapestry of human hearts and lives.

The Black Rood by Stephen R. Lawhead

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1132 – Ancient Scotland/Israel

In a time of legends and heroes, blood and mystery, one man will carry on his family’s destiny as he sets upon a dangerous and glorious quest.

The Great Crusade is long over, or so Duncan, son of Murdo, believes until a long-lost uncle appears from the East bearing tales of immense treasure. Though the Iron Lance had been won for the emperor, an even holier relic has been found: the Black Rood—the prayer-worn, blood-stained remnant of the True Cross—now endangered by the greedy ambitions of ruthless crusader barons bent on carving kingdoms from the desert sands of the Middle East.

When Duncan’s life is shattered by tragedy, he sets sail on his own pilgrimage to Jerusalem, following in the footsteps of his father. But the gates to the Holy Land are guarded by the warrior priests known as the Knights Templar. These fearsome guardians hold the key to more than just Duncan’s fate—the very destiny of the West is in their hands.

While Mortals Sleep by Jack Cavanaugh

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1939 – Germany

Enter the world of Nazi Germany. The story begins with a soul-searching pastor who sees the youth of his church abandoning everything they’ve been taught, swayed by Hitler’s youth movement. Some pastors have preached against Hitler, only to be arrested and shipped to labor camps. It’s one thing to speak up if it means his own personal suffering, but to take a stand against the Nazis now will endanger not only him, but his wife and unborn child.

But when Hitler begins testing gas chambers using the disabled infants of his own country, and when the pastor’s newborn daughter is taken from him for having a hearing defect, the dye is cast. Pastor Josef Schumacher can no longer stand idly by. He undertakes a daring rescue mission on a gassing facility in Hadamar and enters the underground world of resistance to the Third Reich. This thrilling story of faith and courage is based on true events.

Sea of Glory by Ken Wales and David Poling

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1943 – At Sea

In 1943, the U.S.A.T. Dorchester was torpedoed by a German submarine en route to a top-secret radar installation in Greenland. The four Army chaplains on board were quite different from each other: a Methodist pastor, Jewish rabbi, Dutch Reformed minister, and Catholic priest. Yet in the terror following the attack by deadly U-boats, the chaplains united in a final sacrifice that transformed every survivor who saw it-and inspired one man to trade the bitterness of the past for the promise of the future.

Go Down to Silence by Greg Belliveau

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1940/Present Day – Belgium/Ohio

Jacob Horowitz, a worn and bitter business tycoon, has never spoken to anyone about his experience of Nazi persecution during World War II — not even his recently deceased wife, Liza. Suddenly stricken with terminal cancer, the aging Jew receives an invitation from his old friend Pierre, a Gentile Christian and former Belgian underground operative, to pay him one last visit in Belgium. Jacob accepts, and determines to take along his estranged son Isaac. In this fast-paced, vivid historical account set alternately in war-torn Europe and today’s United States, the consequences of war become clear. Momentous events push the hardened Horowitz toward reconciliation with his youngest son, with his past, with God, and with himself.

Tuesday’s Child by Linda Chaikin

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1940 – France

In the summer of 1940, with France on the verge of surrender to Germany, Valli Chattaine, a star in the Paris Ballet Company, must escape Paris and return home to French Morocco. A French Foreign Legionnaire, hired by her family, attempts to get her safely out of Paris. Marc Durell, an adventurous and capable soldier, also brings Valli a secret letter from her older sister, Gisele. But in going home, Valli falls into a maze of dark deceptions and dangers. Through it all she comes to a deeper understanding of God’s grace, which is so much greater than her own. His grace helps to bring her and her family beyond devastating circumstances in Casablanca and is equally present in her own romance with the charismatic Legionnaire.

Dunkirk Crescendo by Bodie and Brock Thoene

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1940 – Paris

Soon bombs will fall like rain.
What hope is there for refugee children and the soldiers trapped against the sea?

As spring 1940 unfolds in Paris, war is inevitable. AP journalist Josephine Marlow is asked to undertake a dangerous journey back into the borders of the Reich—just when the Führer is gathering his forces for another invasion. If she is successful, a child will live. If not, he will die. And many other children, too.

French colonel Andre Chardon knows that the undefeated Führer will not hold back his Blitzkrieg long from France. But the plan of attack revealed in a coded message is so audacious that no one believes Andre. Whom can he convince? Who will have the courage to act before thousands of innocents are slaughtered? And is a miracle at Dunkirk Harbor possible?