The Sisters of Corinth by Angela Hunt

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60 AD – Greece

When the new provincial governor arrives in Corinth, the esteemed Chief Magistrate Narkis Ligus, father to Mariana and Prima, is delighted. He sees a golden opportunity to propel himself to greater power and fortune by uniting his and the governor’s households through the marriage of one of his beautiful unwed daughters to the governor’s firstborn son.

Yet complications quickly arise in Narkis’s own family. Mariana, his stepdaughter, holds steadfast faith in Yeshua, rendering her hesitant to marry a man devoted to the Roman gods, despite Narkis’s urging. On the other hand, Prima, his daughter by birth, yearns for a life of wealth and status and is willing to go to great lengths to secure a marriage that fulfills her desires–even if it means betraying Mariana to do so.

All My Secrets by Lynn Austin

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1898 – New York

The only thing more shocking than Arthur Stanhope III’s unexpected death is the revelation that his will bestows his company―and most of the vast fortune that goes with it―to the nearest male heir, leaving his mother, wife, and daughter nearly impoverished. His widow, Sylvia, quickly realizes she must set aside her grief to ensure their daughter, Adelaide, is launched into society as soon as the appropriate mourning period passes. If Sylvia can find a wealthy husband for Addy before anyone realizes they’re practically destitute, there will be little disruption to the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.

Sylvia’s mother-in-law, Junietta, believes their life could use a little disruption. She has watched Sylvia play her role as a society wife, as Junietta once did, despite what it cost them both. Junietta vows to give her granddaughter the power to choose a path beyond what society expects.

But for Addy to have that chance, both mother and grandmother must first confront painful truths about their own choices. Only in bringing their secrets to light can they hope to reshape their family inheritance into a legacy more fulfilling than they ever dared dream.

April’s Promise by Terrie Todd

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1928 – Canada

Emmaleen Kimball is fourteen when she becomes convinced she was born to traveling acrobats and left on her parents’ doorstep. Why else would there be a thirteen-year age gap between her and her closest sibling? When her family won’t tell her the truth about her origins, she’s determined to solve the mystery herself.
Bernadette Kimball is twenty-seven and living back at home to help with a family crisis, but she can’t wait to get back to her career in the city. She doesn’t fit in with her family. Not that she cares. Who needs a family? Families are just one big mess of secrets and lies.
April Kimball-Madden carries the burden of a secret she promised never to reveal. She wishes she could tell Emmaleen the truth. But she’s convinced that if her husband Joey ever finds out who Emmaleen’s biological parents are, her marriage won’t survive.
As a world war wages across the globe, the Kimball family faces a different kind of conflict at home. Will their personal battles drag them down and tear their family apart? Or can the faith they’ve been taught, and the mercy they’re shown, lead them to victory?

The Prince and the Prodigal by Jill Eileen Smith

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1842 BC – Israel/Egypt

Joseph is the pampered favorite son of the patriarch Jacob. His older brothers, deeply resentful of his status in the family, take advantage of the chance to get rid of him, selling him to slave traders and deceiving their father about his fate. It seems like their troubles are over. But for Joseph and older brother Judah, they are just beginning.

While Joseph is accused of rape and imprisoned, Judah attempts to flee the memory of his complicity in the betrayal of his younger brother. After decades apart, the brothers will come face-to-face in a stunning role reversal that sees Joseph in a position of great power while Judah begs for mercy. Will forgiveness or vengeance win the day?

Shiloh by Lori Benton

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1795 – Massachusetts/New York

A year has passed since Ian Cameron reluctantly sent his uncle’s former slave Seona and their son, Gabriel, north to his kin in Boston. Determined to fully release them, Ian strives to make a life at Mountain Laurel, his inherited plantation, along with Judith, the wife he’s vowed to love and cherish. But when tragedy leaves him alone with his daughter, Mandy, and his three remaining slaves, he decides to return north. An act of kindness on the journey provides Ian the chance to obtain land near the frontier settlement of Shiloh, New York. Perhaps even the hope for a new life with those he still holds dear.

In Boston, Seona has taken her first tentative steps as a free woman, while trying to banish Ian from her heart. The Cameron family thinks she and Gabriel should remain under their protection. Seona’s mother, Lily, thinks it’s time they strike out on their own. Then Ian arrives, offering a second chance Seona hadn’t dared imagine. But the wide-open frontier of Shiloh feels as boundless and terrifying as her newfound freedom—a place of new friends and new enemies, where deep bonds are renewed but old hurts stand ready to rear their heads. It will take every ounce of faith and courage Ian and Seona can muster to fight for their family and their future . . . together.

Abram by Brennan McPherson

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2165-1990 BC – Middle East

A family saga of biblical proportions . . .

When Abram’s brother, Haran, is found dead in their father’s field, Sarai, Lot, and Abram’s fates become intertwined.

As their family’s desires clash, they must discover how to navigate increasingly dangerous circumstances.

From forced marriage, to fleeing the wrath of an angry city-state, and deceiving the pharaoh of Egypt, will they honor the Almighty and find the inheritance God promised? Or will they choose their own path and forge on into ruin?

Find out in this first book on the lives of Abram, Sarai, and Lot, based on Genesis 11:26 – Genesis 13:1.

The Widows of Champagne by Renee Ryan

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1939 – France

In this captivating story of resilience, three generations of women battle to save their family’s vineyard from the ravages of WWII.

Gabrielle Leblanc Dupree is taking her family’s future into her hands. While she should be preparing for a lavish party to celebrate two centuries of champagne making, she secretly hides Chateau Fouché-Leblanc’s most precious vintages behind a fake wall in the cellar in preparation for the looming war. But when she joins the resistance, the coveted champagne isn’t the most dangerous secret her cellar must conceal…

A former Parisian socialite, Gabrielle’s mother, Hélène, lost her husband to another war. Now her home has been requisitioned by the Germans, who pillage vineyards to satisfy the Third Reich’s thirst for the finest champagne. There’s even more at stake than Hélène dares admit. She has kept her heritage a secret…and no one is safe in Nazi-occupied France.

Josephine, the family matriarch, watches as her beloved vineyard faces its most difficult harvest yet. As her daughter-in-law and granddaughters contend with the enemies and unexpected allies in their midst, Josephine’s deep faith leads to her own path of resistance.

Across years and continents, the Leblanc women will draw on their courage and wits, determined against all odds to preserve their lives, their freedom and their legacy…

Soon the Dawn by Linda Brooks Davis

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1921 – Oklahoma

When God’s plan collides with a woman’s single-minded will, lives change—if she’ll let them.

Ella thought adopting five daughters a month after her wedding would be difficult. Sixteen years later, letting go of her eldest is even harder. As Amaryllis prepares to spread her wings upon college graduation, Ella runs headlong into questions she can’t answer.

If Amaryllis chooses to make a life in faraway Denver, can Ella trust the Lord to keep her safe? Will Ella’s mother-in-law’s high society friends puff up Amaryllis until she’s blinded to what’s important? Will Amaryllis lose her grip on her faith, upbringing, and goals?

When everything crumbles around her, Ella must decide where she’ll place her trust—in her own capable hands or in the Lord’s sovereign plan. What will that decision require of her?

A Blessing to Cherish by Lauraine Snelling

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1913 – North Dakota

Though she has known hardships in her life, Ingeborg Bjorklund chooses to focus on all she has been given. Blessed with children and grandchildren, she enjoys the friendship and support of the entire Blessing, North Dakota, community. And after several years of widowhood, she has reached a place of contentment with her life.

Meanwhile, her stepson Thorliff is raising two children alone since his beloved Elizabeth died. But there is a new schoolteacher in town, Louisa Gutenburg, and Thorliff doesn’t seem to be himself whenever she’s around. It isn’t just his obvious fascination with Louisa, but the fact that he seems completely oblivious to it that makes Ingeborg smile. How long before Thorliff realizes what everyone else can see a mile away?

But not everything is comfortable for Ingeborg. One of her dearest friendships is changing–and she will have to decide if her settled, predictable life is worth more to her than a future she hardly dares to imagine.

Journey to Peace by Lyn Cote

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1827 – Texas/Louisiana

Identical twin brothers-stained by an unjust scandal and separated by miles of wilderness~ Two young beauties in jeopardy~Will they learn to trust before it’s too late?

Outcast from his home town New Orleans, Johnny McKuen has taken refuge in Mexican Texas in 1827. He’s still reeling from the aftermath of an engagement gone terribly wrong but trying to build a new life on the frontier. Out of the blue, a friend he considers nearly a brother arrives with Johnny’s neighbor, bleeding and mortally wounded. As he breathes his last, he entrusts his wife to Johnny, a man of honor.

Near to giving birth to another child, the new widow Angel slumps against the bed, her head on her husband’s hand. Her world crumbles. How is she to care for a farm and her children with the birth of a child imminent? And who shot her husband and started to scalp him like a Comanche would? Nothing makes sense.

Keeping the family plantation Beau Rivage going, Callum McKuen alone faces the rejection by New Orleans society.When will his father return from a sojourn East? When will he see his beloved brother again? Has his family abandoned him? Don’t they realize that it’s not just the scandal? Forces resentful of their anti-slavery stand are at work to destroy their livelihood.

On a rare visit to the French Quarter, Callum meets Minette, a lovely young woman who hides her beauty beneath layers of clothing and a hat and scarf. Why isn’t she displaying her beauty in order to find a husband?

Minette also lives under a cloud of unjust scandal. This makes her a target for an unscrupulous man of bad reputation who wants her as his mistress. As the only provider for her grandfather and little sister, she soldiers on even as the scoundrel becomes relentless. Who will free her from this threat?

The twins face these challenges as the gentlemen they were raised to be. Who killed Angel’s husband and why? And how can Callum protect Minette if she won’t trust him? How and when will the twins be reunited? A compelling parallel story you don’t want to miss!

Eden by Brennan McPherson

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BC – Middle East

“You want me to tell of how I broke the world.”

It’s the year 641 since the beginning of everything, and when Eve passes away, she leaves Adam the only man on earth who remembers everything since they walked in Eden.

When Enoch, God’s newly appointed prophet, decides to collect the stories of the faithful from previous generations, he finds Adam in desperate need to confess the dark secrets he’s held onto for too long.

Beside a slowly burning bonfire in the dead of night, Adam tells his story in searing detail. From the beginning of life, to how he broke the world, shattered Eve’s heart, and watched his family crumble.

Will Enoch uncover what led so many of Adam’s children away from God? And will Adam find the redemption and forgiveness he longs for?

Babel by Brennan McPherson

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2200 BC – Middle East

A sweeping, pulse-pounding retelling of the story of the Tower of Babel…

More than a century after the worldwide flood, Noah, now the forefather of the living world, works peacefully in his vineyard until tragedy tears apart his relationship with his son, Ham. 

Years later, dark prophetic dreams inextricably link him with a young man carrying scars from a painful past, and a young woman who longs for acceptance yet harbor secrets darker than either of them imagine. 

Will Noah face the role he played in the slow unraveling of his family? Or will everything collapse when they meet the evil attempting to swallow the world at. . . the Tower of Babel?

No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky

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1909 – England/Canada

Between the years of 1869 to 1939 more than 100,000 poor British children were sent across the ocean to Canada with the promise of a better life. Those who took them in to work as farm laborers or household servants were told they were orphans–but was that the truth?

After the tragic loss of their father, the McAlister family is living at the edge of the poorhouse in London in 1908, leaving their mother to scrape by for her three younger children, while oldest daughter, Laura, works on a large estate more than an hour away. When Edna McAlister falls gravely ill and is hospitalized, twins Katie and Garth and eight-year-old Grace are forced into an orphans’ home before Laura is notified about her family’s unfortunate turn of events in London. With hundreds of British children sent on ships to Canada, whether truly orphans or not, Laura knows she must act quickly. But finding her siblings and taking care of her family may cost her everything.

Andrew Fraser, a wealthy young British lawyer and heir to the estate where Laura is in service, discovers that this common practice of finding new homes for penniless children might not be all that it seems. Together Laura and Andrew form an unlikely partnership. Will they arrive in time? Will their friendship blossom into something more?

Inspired by true events, this moving novel follows Laura as she seeks to reunite her family and her siblings who, in their darkest hours, must cling to the words from Isaiah: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God”.

All Manner of Things by Susie Finkbeiner

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1967 – Michigan

When Annie Jacobson’s brother Mike enlists as a medic in the Army in 1967, he hands her a piece of paper with the address of their long-estranged father. If anything should happen to him in Vietnam, Mike says, Annie must let their father know.

In Mike’s absence, their father returns to face tragedy at home, adding an extra measure of complication to an already tense time. As they work toward healing and pray fervently for Mike’s safety overseas, letter by letter the Jacobsons must find a way to pull together as a family, regardless of past hurts. In the tumult of this time, Annie and her family grapple with the tension of holding both hope and grief in the same hand, even as they learn to turn to the One who binds the wounds of the brokenhearted.

Author Susie Finkbeiner invites you into the Jacobson family’s home and hearts during a time in which the chaos of the outside world touched their small community in ways they never imagined.

In the Shadow of Your Wings by JP Robinson

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1915 – England

A past she can’t escape. A future he wants to make his own. A war that comes between them.

She’s a spy in love with the enemy.
Leila Durand, an elite German spy charged with infiltrating the home of British icon Thomas Steele, hopes to use the war to move beyond the pain of her shattered past. But everything changes when she falls in love with Thomas’s son, Malcolm. Is there a way to reconcile her love for Germany and her love for the enemy?

He’s a son who wants to break free.
Malcolm, wealthy heir to Northshire Estate, wants nothing more than to be free of his father’s rules. When Thomas becomes too judgmental, Malcolm makes a life-changing choice.

In the Shadow of Your Wings presents inescapable truth that resonates across the past century. Then as now, the struggle for faith is real. Then as now, there is a refuge for all who come beneath the shadow of God’s wings.

We’ll Meet Again by Melody Carlson

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1944 – California

Now in its third year, World War II still rages, taking its toll on everyone. On the home-front, the Mulligans continue to face war-related challenges . . . and patience wears thin.

Margaret is pulled in various directions as she attempts to care for her toddler and disabled husband Brian, who’s haunted by mistakes made on the battlefield—and their marriage is put to the test. Colleen is still pursuing her Hollywood career, but will the arrival of her baby change everything? And with Navy pilots being shot down daily, will Geoff escape the odds and make it safely home?

Bridget still serves as an Army nurse in the Pacific front, where not only her life, but health and heart are in harm’s way. Molly continues to do her part to help her family and find her place in the world, but when her relationship with Patrick gets shaken to the core, she heads off on a journey that leaves her family conflicted.

The war will eventually end, but will the Mulligan family remain intact when it does?

Out of the Ashes by A.M. Heath

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1865 – Tennessee

Sometimes peace is won through battle. 

Haunted by the memories he can’t escape, Ralph Williams wants to be left alone to lick his wounds. He doesn’t understand why he’s forced into the company of the one woman he least desires. Can God bring him healing through such uncomfortable circumstances?

Frank Harper thought he had left the war and its turmoil behind, but the home to which he has returned is anything but peaceful. When racial tensions arise in Maple Grove, Frank finds himself on a battlefield once more. He’s desperate for peace, but at what cost?

When George Chandler heads off to wed his beloved bride, things don’t go as expected. Just as George starts to get comfortable with what he believes is God’s new plan for his life, history threatens to repeat itself. Will he fight for the woman he’s come to love, or will he let her go?

The War Between the States has destroyed more than just a nation. In four years, it has damaged bodies and wounded souls until the people think that nothing is left. Will they find the healing they so desperately need from the God that loves them?

*The Ancient Words Series is best read in order. Please look for Where Can I Flee.

As Time Goes By by Melody Carlson

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1942 – California

In 1942 San Francisco, war has touched every part of the Mulligans’ lives. With their brother killed at Pearl Harbor, their father recovering from tuberculosis, and their eldest sister a nurse in the Army, those at home are left to keep on, wondering if it’s possible to thrive…or only to survive.

Pragmatic Margaret struggles with the gap between the dreams she’d always fostered of married life and the reality of having a husband an ocean away—combined with the concerns for the family store in uncertain times. Colleen has always been considered the superficial sister, but when a chance at her dream of Hollywood makes her second-guess her hopes and tragedy shakes her to her core, her family sees a side of her they never expected. Molly, always the hopeful one, dedicates herself fully to the war effort at home—but can all the optimism in the world guard her against harsh reality? Who can she talk to when troubles come?

Each of the Mulligan sisters must do her part to keep the family going—and each must find her own new place as the world shifts under their feet and time goes by.

The Return by Bob and J. M. Hochstetler

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1757 – Pennsylvania

Jakob Hochstetler’s refusal to take up arms against the Indians who attacked his Amish family’s home on the Pennsylvania frontier during the brutal raids of the French and Indian War cost the lives of his wife and two of his children. Carried away with his younger sons, Jakob is enslaved by the Seneca, while Joseph and Christian are adopted into different divisions of the Lenape tribe and struggle to adapt to new lives.

Jakob plots a perilous escape in spite of overwhelming odds against succeeding. But even if he can get away, could he survive a harrowing journey over the hundreds of miles of rugged terrain that lie between him and his Northkill community? Does home still exist? Are his older son and daughter, Johannes and Barbara, still alive? Will he ever find his boys and bring them home?


I’ll Be Seeing You by Melody Carlson

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1941 – California

December 7, 1941, San Francisco is on high alert following the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Mulligan family is grappling with the news that Peter, beloved son and brother, is among the missing.

Each of the Mulligan sisters Bridget, Margaret, Colleen and Molly strives to find her place in the rapidly changing world in these early days of World War II. With their father ailing, Margaret takes over management of the family’s grocery store trying to keep hoarders at bay while daydreaming of a June wedding. Meanwhile Bridget focuses on her board exams and hopes to be accepted as an Army nurse. Beautiful Colleen, the “family flibbertigibbet” just wants to have fun despite the dire news of the war. But it’s the “baby” fifteen-year-old Molly who seems to be the glue that holds the family together.

With siblings, friends, and beaus being shipped out weekly, the remaining Mulligans quickly realize that this war will be fought on two fronts at home and overseas.

Each of the strong, hopeful Mulligan sisters will do their part if they hope to see victory and the end of the war.


In the Shadow of Thy Wings by A.M. Heath

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1863 – Virginia/Tennessee

Devastation sweeps across the land, and the families of Maple Grove cannot escape when war arrives at their front doors.

After her father entrusts her with a new and dangerous task, Sally Chandler must find the courage to obey despite her fear. Meanwhile, her best friend, Claire Harper, is determined to serve others, even if it means putting herself in danger. But with a certain handsome Union soldier stationed nearby, Claire finds her heart in danger of falling for the enemy. Their differing loyalties create complications that neither could expect; her twin brother fighting for the Confederacy is only one of them.

Frank Harper left home with one goal in mind – to become a prosperous plantation owner. Two years later, not only is he further from his goal, but he’s beginning to question his own desires–something that becomes more complicated when his heart becomes involved.

The families of Maple Grove must learn how to survive the uncertainty of war and a country split in two. While the war in the nation rages on, the battle within grows stronger. Will they learn that the only safe place to hide is in the shadow of Thy Wings?

Where Can I Flee by A. M. Heath

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1861 – Tennessee/Kentucky

War is on the horizon during the spring of 1861. It will be an event that will change the lives of everyone in its path. The Harper family included.

Frank Harper is a young man full of dreams and ambitions. Even when the country is split and war breaks out, Frank will do whatever is necessary to see his dreams come true, even when that means putting on a uniform and leaving home.

For the first time, Claire Harper is forced to consider the reasons behind such a conflict. Should slavery be abolished? Which side should she be on, and what does God have to say about this? Claire is torn between her own opinions and those of her family. The struggle within her only increases when she repeatedly runs into a kind and handsome Union soldier. She longs to see her brother turn to Christ before it is too late. Desperate to reach her brother with the gospel, Claire pens a series of inspiring letters. Will she be able to handle all the obstacles of war and continue to be a witness to those around her?

How long can Claire last when her heart is torn in half and she is burdened for her brother’s soul? How long can Frank resist his sister’s urgent pleas or the gentle tugging from within? Can a man outrun a holy God?

Sarah’s Promise by Leisha Kelly

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1940s – Illinois

Frank Hammond makes a wintry journey of over two hundred miles to help his brother and look into a job offer he hopes will be the new beginning he is searching for. But all Sarah wants is to make a home as close as possible to the farms where they were raised. Why would Frank even consider moving so far away?
As Frank strives to make a new start in a fresh location, he comes face-to-face with his own handicaps and a new-found call of God. At the same time, Sarah struggles for the faith to fulfill her own promise to trust God, and Frank, no matter what the circumstances. With their wedding date approaching, Sarah must come to terms with her doubts and misgivings while Frank finds that a gesture of kindness to strangers has opened a surprising door of renewed hope. Leisha Kelly fans will thrill to see the unfolding love story of Frank and Sarah, a fitting conclusion to the Wortham and Hammond saga.

Rachel’s Prayer by Leisha Kelly

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1942 – Illinois

The Wortham family has been tested through hard times of injury, illness, and loss. But with the world on the brink of war, they are about to be tested again. And this time, they’ll face the ultimate test: one of courage and survival.

Just days after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Robert Wortham and Willy Hammond enlist. As they head off to fight, their families are left behind to deal with fears of what lies ahead for their beloved brothers and sons. Armed with their faith in God and a bold prayer from Robert’s girlfriend, Rachel, the Worthams and Hammonds can only hope for peace, strength, and a greater understanding of God amidst this cruel conflict that could forever change the future of both families.

The continuing story of the Wortham family and book 2 in the Country Road Chronicles, Rachel’s Prayer is a powerful saga of courage and faith during the Second World War.

Dream of Life by Michael Phillips

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1830s – Carolinas

With their beloved plantation, Greenwood, now a vital link in the Underground Railroad, Richmond and Carolyn Davidson must balance the need for safety with their commitment to helping the many runaways who appear at their door. Compounding their danger, the Davidson’s neighbors, the Beaumonts, do not approve of their decision—and view them with suspicion.

The danger intensifies when the Davidsons’ older son, Seth, becomes engaged to Veronica, the Beaumonts’ beautiful, scheming daughter—against her parents’ wishes. As the two families are swept up in events leading up to the Civil War, they must choose sides—in a conflict that will change their lives forever.

Virginia Autumn by Sara Mitchell

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1895 – Virginia

The second and final novel in Sara Mitchell’s historical Sinclair Legacy series, Virginia Autumn traces the struggles and spiritual growth of young schoolteacher Leah Sinclair and her widowed father, Jacob.

Spinster schoolteacher Leah lives by intellect and reason, unable to relate to the rich, full-hearted faith of her father and two older sisters (whose stories are told in Book One: Shenandoah Home). Yet her dogged pursuit by devout naturalist Cade Beringer suddenly brings Leah face-to-face with her doubts and fears–and with the possibility that love can bloom where she least expects it.

As Leah falls in love, and with his other daughters married and gone, Jacob faces an uncertain future. He realizes that he is too old for adventure and too young to cease working. But when the terribly scarred concert pianist Fiona Carlton enters his life, he begins to suspect that he is not, and never will be, too old for love.

Linking together two old-fashioned love stories, Mitchell beautifully addresses God’s compassion, reminding readers that the Creator is intimately aware of our hidden places of pain, and that his love for us truly is unrelenting.

Picture Rock by Stephen Bly

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1906 – Nevada

The hot desert winds and gold mines of Goldfield, Nevada make California’s cool valley breezes and peaceful farms seem like heaven on earth. And though O. T. Skinner constantly dreams of moving west, he and his family are still in the sin-filled boomtown. They don’t have much, but they do have each other.

O.T. loves his strong-minded, independent wife who takes care of their family as well as the miners who depend on her warm meals and friendly nature. But the days in her café are long, and Dola Mae is finding out the hard way what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a helping hand–and she can only pray it doesn’t become permanent.

Dola Mae knows she is blessed to be married to a man who’d do anything for his family and friends, no matter the risk; but she’s terrified she’ll lose him. Her fear may become reality when O.T.’s generosity puts his life–and the lives of his loved ones–in jeopardy one too many times.

Through it all, the Skinners remain a portrait of virtue and strength, making them the rarest of treasures in a town built on gambling all for a little gold.

Highland Hopes by Gary Parker

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1900s – North Carolina

A family saga depicting life in early 1900s North Carolina unfolds when 100-year-old matriarch Abigail Porter relates the events of her life to her great-granddaughters, starting with the tragic circumstances of her birth and including the drama of two feuding families, war, and the deadly pandemic influenza.

The Iron Lance by Stephen R. Lawhead

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1095 – Scotland

While his father and brothers follow Pope Urban II’s call to win Jerusalem from the infidels, Murdo Ranulfson stays behind to guard his family’s interests. But when his home is confiscated by greedy usurpers, Murdo is forced to follow the Crusades himself. Hoping to find his father and redeem his family’s land, Murdo sets off on a journey that leads him to the Mediterranean—the heart of civilization now threatened by barbarian hordes—and on to the fabled city of Constantinople and beyond, to the Holy Land. Amidst brutality and ambition, Murdo discovers what he seeks—and obtains a relic that will guide him and his descendants for centuries.

Rich in heroism, treachery, and adventure, The Iron Lance begins an epic trilogy of Scottish noble family fighting for its existence and its faith during the age of the Crusades—and of a secret society whose ceremonies will shape history for a millennium.

The Meeting Place by Janette Oke & T. Davis Bunn

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18th Century – Canada

Set along the rugged coastline of 18th century Canada in what was then called Acadia (now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), The Meeting Place re-creates a world that was home to native Indians, French settlers, and English garrisons. Such diverse populations did not live in accord, however. Instead, they were isolated within their own groups by a brewing political tension under the difficult English rule.

Amid such chaotic times two women, both about to become brides and both trying to live lives of quiet peace, meet in a lush field of wildflowers. Louisa, a Frenchwoman, and Catherine, who is English, continue to meet secretly through the seasons, sharing both friendship and growing faith.

The outside world does not mirror their own tranquil happiness, and the dreaded crackdown by the English throne threatens far more than their growing bond. In the face of a heart-wrenching dilemma, Louisa and Catherine strive to maintain their faith and cling to their dreams of family and home.

The Dixie Widow by Gilbert Morris

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1862 – Washington DC

At the conclusion of The Last Confederate, almost twenty-four thousand Union and Confederate soldiers had fallen on the field of battle at Sharpsburg, making it the bloodiest day of American history. Among the casualties for the South was Captain Vance Wickham, husband of Belle Wickham. She was a daughter of Sky and Rebekah Winslow, and now the tragedy of war makes its dreaded call upon the Winslow family. In The Dixie Widow, Belle Wickham’s sorrow turns to anger and bitterness, then finally to blind hatred for the North. She declares in steely voice, “I live for only one purpose: to see the Union destroyed,” and vows to remain a widow until the Yankees are whipped. Belle is persuaded to travel to her Winslow relatives in the Washington, D.C. area and spy for the Confederacy–at the risk of her own life. Taken into the home of her grandfather, Captain Whitfield Winslow, she is in a strategic position to secure secret information to pass to the South. But an even greater tragedy awaits the Winslow family.


The Last Confederate by Gilbert Morris

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1860 – Virginia

At the conclusion of The Reluctant Bridegroom, the marriage of Sky and Rebekah Winslow prefaces a new chapter for another generation. What had seemed an impossibility is now coming to pass: God’s transformation of the Winslows into a warm and loving family. Making their way back from Oregon City, they now settle and prosper on a plantation in Virginia. Several years after their return from the West, a young Northerner named Thad Novak makes his way to the Winslow plantation and is taken on as a hired hand. What caused him to specifically seek out the Winslows? Should this Northerner be trusted? And with young ladies in the home, what are his motives? While the nation totters on the brink of war, both Thad Novak and the Winslows face conscription into fighting for a cause they do not support, and directly against Winslow relatives from the North!

The Reluctant Bridegroom by Gilbert Morris

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1838 – Oregon Territory

The Reluctant Bridegroom begins with Sky Winslow, the son of Chris and Dove Winslow, agreeing to return East and bring a wagon train of brides to the men of Oregon City. As experienced as he is on the trail, the past hurts of an unfaithful wife and the care for a twelve-year-old son who truly needs a mother’s love make Sky an unlikely candidate for such an assignment. On the long trip from New York to Oregon, two of the women who join the wagon train will make their impact on Sky Winslow. Rebekah Jackson, in hope of finding a new start, is leaving a broken past. Rita Duvall is a dance hall girl who knows the way to break down a man’s defenses.

The Holy Warrior by Gilbert Morris

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1798 – American Frontier

The Holy Warrior picks up the House of Winslow saga several years after the Revolutionary War. Two Winslow sons race west–one to embrace his dreams and the other to escape the future. Will either survive the dangers of the frontier?




The Saintly Buccaneer by Gilbert Morris

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1777 – Pennsylvania

The Saintly Buccaneer spotlights Paul Winslow, a young man who is bitterly opposed to the American Revolution. His life is quickly changed when he is shanghaied and pressed into service aboard a navy frigate. And then he is struck with amnesia!