Miss Trinity by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

An Inventor turned Mail-order Bride
A Professor hoping for love
And one little trip to Clear Creek…

Trinity Thorndyke had a brain. A good one. So why did men not like her? Just because she accidentally blew things up now and then with her experiments, didn’t mean she wasn’t fit for the marriage mart. But no man in Boston was interested, and with her uncle running off to California to get married himself, she’d be alone and in a pickle. Which meant there was only one thing to do. Become a mail-order bride and hope for the best.

Granville Peters thought he’d be happy with a bride that had all her teeth and could hold a decent conversation. What he got was a beauty with a brain! But was he good enough for her? He insisted they court and wanted to impress her, so Granville gave her what she wanted most. A trip to Clear Creek, Oregon to meet the famous Soap King, Gilbert Snow. Unfortunately, it was obvious she was more interested in meeting Mr. Snow than getting to know him. Was this a mistake? And what if Granville lost his heart, only to have her tell him she wasn’t interested? With her looks and brains, she could do anything in his eyes. Did he even have a chance with her? Find out as residents of two of Kit Morgan’s famous towns come together in this fun western romance!

Miss Beatrice by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A Widow and her Child
A Lonely Blacksmith
And the Fear keeping them apart…

Beatrice Farmer was floundering. Quite literally. She lived in Flounder, Oklahoma. And if she didn’t escape her brother and their nothing of a town, she’d never survive. Lucky for her, someone left a Tulsa newspaper at the general store. Even luckier, she spied an advertisement for a mail-order bride! In her mind, all she had to do was get herself to Fiddler’s Gap, Oregon, and all her troubles would be over. It was a risk, but one she was willing to take. But things didn’t go quite as she planned.

Chandler Trent was a simple blacksmith, who just happened to speak more than a few languages, was well read, and played the string bass in the town orchestra. He’d sent off advertisements for a mail-order bride just like the other bachelors in town had. Imagine their surprise when a mail-order bride shows up for a groom that’s already found his future wife! Not only that, this mail-order bride is a widow with a baby. No one expected something like that to arrive! Now the only question was, who was going to marry her?

Miss Hespa by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A determined young woman with a dream.
A handsome doctor willing to help her.
And one big obstacle.

Hespa Pendergrass dreams of becoming a veterinarian. But if she can’t convince her parents she’s got what it takes, her dream will never become a reality. Lucky for her, a professor at the college she wants to attend, agrees to meet with her. With this man’s backing, she was sure to get in! There was only one problem. Okay, maybe two. Her parents still didn’t think she had what it takes, and they carted her off to Fiddler’s Gap for her best friend’s wedding. So what if she agreed to be the maid of honor! If she didn’t get back in time, she’d miss her one chance of speaking to the professor! How was she going to convince her parents to high tail it back to Baltimore?

Temple Garrett came to Fiddler’s Gap for the peace and quiet. He even sent off for a mail-order bride. But when the Pendergrass family shows up in town for a wedding, his world is turned upside down. Hespa Pendergrass fancies herself a veterinarian in training, and wouldn’t you know, she’s good at it? After she helps with someone’s plow horse and a few other animals, Temple is convinced she has want it takes to survive the training needed to become a veterinarian. Unfortunately, he should have paid closer attention to what his heart was doing while working with her. For once she went back to Baltimore, he’d never see her again. Did he have the strength to let her go and chase her dream?

Miss Ellie Mae by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A Lonely Farmer
An Indecisive Bride
And one over protective brother…

Ellie Mae Ruggles was horrified at the thought of an arranged marriage to the likes of Elmer Grant. How could her parents even think she’d be interested in the old codger? So, she took matters into her own hands and made a run for it. Maybe it wasn’t the best decision, but it was the only one she could come up with in the heat of the moment. Now here she was, in a nothing of a town called Fiddler’s Gap after seeing an advertisement for a mail-order bride. But now that she was here, she wasn’t so sure she’d done the right thing.

Cassius Herber was elated that someone had answered his advertisement for a virtuous woman who was also a virtuoso. He was the third man in town to get himself a mail-order bride. But his wasn’t too happy when she first arrived, and was also having second thoughts if his guess was right. How was he to win her? He wanted to court her a little first, but was that giving her too much of chance to change her mind and hightail back to where she came from? And wouldn’t you know, just as he’s making some progress, the unthinkable happens. Can Cassius win his bride and convince her to stay? Find out in this sweet, wholesome western full of laughter and romance.

Dreams With Faith by Shanna Hatfield

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1886 – Oregon

Can faith conquer their fears?

John Ryan is committed to his role as pastor in the quaint town of Holiday, Oregon. He values each member of his congregation, and aims to lead by example. However, his resolve is tested when a free-spirited woman arrives in town. John struggles with his growing attraction to her, determined to keep it from distracting him from his calling.

Following a devastating tragedy that leaves her isolated and shattered, Keeva Holt is eager for a new beginning. In need of consolation and clarity, she decides to seek refuge with her brother in Holiday. As she navigates through her grief and attempts to find direction for her future, Keeva’s vibrant spirit and exuberance challenge those around her, including the reserved Pastor Ryan. While logic tells her that John is beyond her reach, her heart urges her to pursue her dreams and embrace the possibilities of tomorrow.

Will John and Keeva learn to lean into their faith and let go of their fears?

Dreams for Courage by Shanna Hatfield

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1886 – Oregon

Will two lonely hearts find the courage to love?

A loner for most of his life, Rowan Reed wants nothing more than to be left alone. He buys a run-down farm near Holiday, Oregon, intending to turn it into a successful ranch through hard work and determination. When a nosy, albeit beautiful, woman shows up on his doorstep, the instant attraction he feels to her sets off nearly as many warning bells as her barrage of probing questions.

Private detective Rhetta Wallace always unearths the truth. Involved in a lengthy investigation into a man suspected of killing a politician’s son, her pursuit leads her to the town of Holiday. Accompanied by her adopted son, Rhetta finds herself squaring off against the grumpy, growling rancher she believes is the suspect. Whether or not Rowan admits his true identity, Rhetta is sure of two things: his innocence of the crime, and the deep affection he awakens in her heart.

Will their dreams for courage help them release the past and embrace a future together?

Through Dust and Ashes by Lynnette Bonner

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1853 – Oregon

Dreams of Love by Shanna Hatfield

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1885 – Oregon

Will dreams of love lead to an unexpected future?

Weathered from too many years of apprehending outlaws, Marshal Dillon Durant is resigned to a life of solitude. The small community of Holiday, Oregon, offers the opportunity for him to build lasting friendships while discovering a sense of belonging. Then he encounters an exasperatingly beautiful woman attempting to break into the local school, leaving him to contemplate the possibility of a new chapter in his life.

Desperate to escape the arranged marriage her father is attempting to foist upon her, Zara Wynn accepts a job as a schoolteacher in Holiday. Intent on a fresh start, she doesn’t want anyone to discover she’s a runaway bride. But concealing her past proves difficult, especially when the astute and handsome Marshal Durant captures her heart.

When her father and fiancé find her, will Zara be forced to abandon her dreams of love? Or will Dillon make them come true?

Miss Arabella by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A lonely hotel owner.
A woman hoping for a better future.
And the man that could ruin it all…

Arabella Driscoll answered an advertisement for a mail-order bride and got more than she bargained for. A lot more! Ellis Palmer was not only handsome, but the owner of a small, but beautiful hotel. So what if the town was made up of a handful of people? She could get used to living in a teeny tiny town if it meant marrying the handsome Ellis. He was everything she could want in a husband and more. Problem was, because of her, he not only broke his arm, but cracked a few ribs to boot! Who knew when they’d be married? In the meantime, she’d nurse him back to health. But a trip to the sheriff’s office threatens to tear her dreams apart. Will her future husband still want her if he finds out what the sheriff has locked up? Find out in this sweet, clean, western that delivers pure fun and romance!

Miss Iris by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A lonely rancher
A visiting heiress
And one Leopold Wadsworth III…

Iris Jameson wasn’t about to be saddled with the likes of Leopold Wadsworth III. Her friend Penelope had already escaped the cad! And now Iris’ parents want her to marry him? Ha! The arrogant snob could go jump in a lake for all she cared. Still, it was a sticky situation, and her only hope of quelling her parents’ ludicrous plans was to go somewhere and lay low for a while. A long while. So, she did the only thing she could think of. She went to Fiddler’s Gap to visit Penelope!

Wilson Mitchell sent away for a mail-order bride along with the rest of the men in Fiddler’s Gap. But considering the type of women they were hoping for, the wait could be long, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his sanity. Then he stumbled upon the most beautiful creature in the world in his meadow, and was smitten. Problem was, Iris Jameson didn’t come to Fiddler’s Gap to get married. A rich heiress like her wasn’t going to so much as glimpse in his direction. But doggone, he kept running into her! How was he ever going to keep from falling in love? But when Iris is threatened, his heart and his fists settle the matter for him.

Miss Penelope by Kit Morgan

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1889 – Oregon

A Lonely Sheriff
A Runaway Heiress
And a town full of Musicians?

Fiddler’s Gap needs women! And Sheriff Aubrey Cole has come up with an idea to get some. After all, if the town doesn’t grow, no one will move there let alone any businesses. They’d really like a bank, among other things, so it’s time to do something about it. But the men of Fiddler’s Gap aren’t look for just any ‘ol brides. They’re looking for virtuous women who are also virtuosos! Why? Because the entire town is made up of musicians! Sheriff Cole (the first violinist) is the first to get a bride. Problem was, he had no idea she was coming! She just showed up.

Heiress Penelope Smith has always dreamed of being part of an orchestra. So when her father decides to marry her off to Leopold Wadsworth the third, she makes a run for it. Her only hope is an ad in the local paper by a lawman seeking not just a virtuous woman as a bride, but a virtuoso! That was good enough for her! When she shows up in Fiddler’s Gap unannounced, her only interest was to join the town orchestra. But when she saw how small the town was, she didn’t see any point in staying. But she couldn’t go back either. What to do?

Will the efforts of the handsome sheriff keep her in town long enough to fall in love? Or will she leave him flat?

Love on Target by Shanna Hatfield

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1894 – Oregon

Will romance hit its mark when true love is the target?

Desperate for a fresh start, Rena Burke journeys from Texas to Oregon with only her father’s pistol and a plodding old mule for company. She takes a job working with explosives at a mine, spends her free time emulating her hero Annie Oakley, and secretly longs to be loved.

Saddlemaker Josh Gatlin has one purpose in life and that is his daughter. Gabi is his joy and the sunshine in his days. Then he meets a trouser-wearing woman living life on her own terms. Rena is nothing like his perception of what he wants in a wife and mother for his child, but she might just prove to be everything he needs.

When tragedy strikes, will the two of them be able to release past wounds and embrace the possibilities tomorrow may bring? Find out in this sweet historical romance full of hope, humor, and love.

On My Honor by Patty Smith Hall

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Oregon – 1942

A Girl Scout Troop Joins the Battle of the Atlantic
Full of intrigue, adventure, and romance, this new series celebrates the unsung heroes—the heroines of WWII.
Ginny Mathis was finished with nursing school and had no intention of staying rooted in the Outer Banks—then war broke out. With her father away, she feels duty-bound to stay and help her mother and younger sister. While working as a clerk for the Oregon Inlet ferry, naval officers ask Ginny and others to be watchful for German U-boats reportedly spotted in the area. So to help occupy her teenage sister, Ginny enlists the Girl Scout troop she leads to help watch for suspicious activity along the coast. 
Timothy Elliott is no stranger to death. As a British reporter working with the M-6, he’s numb to the losses of war after two years of fighting the Germans. Maybe that’s why he volunteered for this mission—to connect with an ex-German naval officer who stole the Furor’s battle plan for the Atlantic war. When the boat giving him passage to New York is bombed near the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, Tim is thrown from the boat and wakes up in the care of a group of young girls.
Ginny follows her sneaky sister on a clandestine mission and discovers the shipwreck victim. Ginny knows she must take charge, but is this man the enemy, or does he hold secrets that could turn the tide of the Battle of the Atlantic in the allies’ favor?

Valley Melodies by Bonnie Leon

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1856 – Oregon

Is love enough to overcome the tragedies and hardships thrown at them?

In the spring of 1856, Emmalin Hammond decides the Oregon Territory is not the place for her and chooses to return to her Philadelphia home. But mountain man, Jacob Landon, has other ideas. With an unexpected profession of love, he asks her to marry him and share his life in the Oregon wilderness.

Before they can marry, a string of misfortunes tests her desire to step into the role of a pioneer woman. Though determined, Emmalin soon recognizes she may be deceiving herself. Is the life she’s chosen out of reach?

The Ribbon by Cara Grandle

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1847 – Oregon

Life rips away hope and sweeps her along…until she finds a future worth fighting for.

On the day her mother passes away, Heather Keeton weds a neighbor who promises to provide for her. They journey along the Oregon Trail, but tragedy strikes again. Widowed, alone, and far from home in Oregon Territory, Heather needs work. But where? She determines to use her cooking and baking skills at a logging camp to earn enough to remain independent and, eventually, reach her Porcelain Doll sister, Rebecca.

Land surveyor Zeke Bradley misses being part of a family. A surprise inheritance might open the way for him to settle down and begin a courtship, but he tries to come to the aid of an injured man only to be accused of murder. One wrong move, and he could unjustly swing by his neck from a rope. He flees and hides in a logging camp, waiting for his name to be cleared.

Nothing comes easy at Camp 13 Logging Company, where the work is hard and hazardous. Heather hopes to move on soon, and Zeke longs to be free from his worries. Can these two survivors learn to trust each other before their pasts destroy their future?

The Winter Rose by Melanie Dobson

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1943/Present Day – France/Oregon

Grace Tonquin is an American Quaker who works tirelessly in Vichy France to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis. After crossing the treacherous Pyrénées, Grace returns home to Oregon with a brother and sister whose parents were lost during the war. Though Grace and her husband love Élias and Marguerite as their own, echoes of Grace’s past and trauma from the Holocaust tear the Tonquin family apart.

More than fifty years after they disappear, Addie Hoult arrives at Tonquin Lake, hoping to find the Tonquin family. For Addie, the mystery is a matter of life and death for her beloved mentor Charlie, who is battling a genetic disease. Though Charlie refuses to discuss his ties to the elusive Tonquins, finding them is the only way to save his life and mend the wounds from his broken past.

A Father’s Redemption by Tracy Blalock

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1846 – Oregon

Can this lonely father open his heart?

One year after the loss of his wife, Dr. Elias Dawson’s still not quite sure he’ll be any good at parenting his daughter—but his brother insists it’s time he takes over the responsibility. With his mother-in-law trying to seize custody of baby Emma, his late wife’s sister, Abby Warner, is determined to prove to Elias that his love is exactly what her niece needs. And Abby might just be the perfect final piece to complete their little family…

Wagon Train Wedding by Rhonda Gibson

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1867 – Oregon Trail

The wagon train is her chance for a new life…but only if her secrets will keep.
Widowed Mrs. Cora Edwards sees Oregon as a fresh start for her and her son…but there are a few problems. She’s not a widow…and baby Noah isn’t her son. He’s the nephew she’s vowed to protect—even if she must accept a marriage of convenience before she’ll be permitted on the wagon train. Her groom, lawman Flynn Adams, carries his own secret heartache…which Cora starts to ease. On the path to a new future, will they find a way forward together?

The Lines Between Us by Amy Green

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1945 – Washington State/Oregon

A WWII novel of courage and conviction, based on the true experience of the men who fought fires as conscientious objectors and the women who fought prejudice to serve in the Women’s Army Corps.

Since the attack on Pearl Harbor, Gordon Hooper and his buddy Jack Armitage have stuck to their values as conscientious objectors. Much to their families’ and country’s chagrin, they volunteer as smokejumpers rather than enlisting, parachuting into and extinguishing raging wildfires in Oregon. But the number of winter blazes they’re called to seems suspiciously high, and when an accident leaves Jack badly injured, Gordon realizes the facts don’t add up.

A member of the Women’s Army Corps, Dorie Armitage has long been ashamed of her brother’s pacifism, but she’s shocked by news of his accident. Determined to find out why he was harmed, she arrives at the national forest under the guise of conducting an army report . . . and finds herself forced to work with Gordon. He believes it’s wrong to lie; she’s willing to do whatever it takes for justice to be done. As they search for clues, Gordon and Dorie must wrestle with their convictions about war and peace and decide what to do with the troubling secrets they discover.

The Rock by Cara Grandle

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1846 – Oregon

After a whiskey still explosion destroys her home and nearly her life, Rebecca Packwood and her father must leave Missouri and her dear friends behind. After crossing The Oregon Trail, she sets out to discover her family’s secret history and to forge a home and community out of the raw farm land of Eagle Creek, Oregon Country, never suspecting a ruthless enemy is seeking to thwart her plans.

Hard-working banker’s son, Clark Sutherland, thought the toughest test he would face was getting out from underneath his father’s thumb. The last thing he expected was to be penniless, homeless, and smitten with a shy, dark-eyed stranger. With nothing to offer her, will he find a way to support himself and still pursue his dreams before they’re pulled apart?

When a man in shadows sets his eyes on their coveted prize, danger descends. Rebecca and Clark must act to protect the desires of their hearts before harm befalls them all. Will they learn to trust their future to the God who heals and sets the lonely in families?

Wagon Train Weekend by Stephenia McGee

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1857 – Oregon

It was just one night at a Victorian B&B. Until they woke up in 1857.

Collette Donaldson never should have taken her boyfriend to her cousin’s wedding. Or introduced him to her parents. After a disastrous weekend, all she wants is to get back home and sort out the mess that had once been their relationship. A heartbreaking fight, a flat tire, and an inconvenient storm force her and Seth to stay the night at a quaint bed and breakfast. But when Collette finds an antique photograph of herself, circumstances quickly shift from weird to unimaginable.

Seth Stone was ready to propose. Now he isn’t sure if he and Collette even have a relationship. People he’d never want to be his in-laws, an irritable girlfriend, and now he has to spend the night in a creepy old Victorian inn. He should have never wondered how things could possibly get worse. When they wake up stranded on a wagon train in 1857, Seth is determined to get home. But the only way to get out of the past is to face the problems stealing their future.

The Christmas Wish by Shanna Hatfield

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1908 – Oregon

Home is the last place he wants to be for Christmas . . .

When an urgent telegram arrives from his mother, begging him to return home, old West photographer Percy Bruner can’t refuse. After an almost five-year absence, he dreads returning to the small eastern Oregon town of Hardman where he grew up. He’d dreamed of raising a family there, and loving his sweetheart until they were both old and gray. But with her gone, the only thing the town can offer him is painful memories.

Now that his family needs him, Percy must face the ghosts that continue to haunt him, and make the hard choice of letting go of his past or giving up on his future.

Will his return the place he once loved give shattered hearts a chance to heal and make a special Christmas wish come true?

Forever by Your Side by Tracie Peterson

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1880 – Oregon

After years of schooling on the East Coast, Constance Browning returns to Oregon and the reservation where she grew up with her missionary parents. She is accompanied by Thomas Lowell, her best friend and colleague, and together they embark on a project to catalogue the native peoples of Oregon for the Bureau of American Ethnology. But Connie and Tom have another purpose–to prove her parents are not involved in a secret conspiracy to goad the oppressed tribes into a doomed war.

Connie finds life on the reservation much bleaker than she remembered, and she is glad to have Tom by her side. But she also becomes reacquainted with Clint Singleton, the government agent on whom she had a crush as a girl. Now that she’s back, Clint finally seems interested in her, but Connie is no longer sure of her feelings. As tensions on the reservation rise and war looms ever closer, Connie and Tom search for whoever is truly behind the uprising. With danger unfolding amid shocking revelations, Connie will also have a revelation of the heart.

Something Worth Doing by Jane Kirkpatrick

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1853 – Oregon

In 1853, Abigail Scott was a 19-year-old school teacher in Oregon Territory when she married Ben Duniway. Marriage meant giving up on teaching, but Abigail always believed she was meant to be more than a good wife and mother. When financial mistakes and an injury force Ben to stop working, Abigail becomes the primary breadwinner for her growing family. What she sees as a working woman appalls her, and she devotes her life to fighting for the rights of women, including their right to vote.

Following Abigail as she bears six children, runs a millinery and a private school, helps on the farm, writes novels, gives speeches, and eventually runs a newspaper supporting women’s suffrage, Something Worth Doing explores issues that will resonate strongly with modern women: the pull between career and family, finding one’s place in the public sphere, and dealing with frustrations and prejudices women encounter when they compete in male-dominated spaces. Based on a true story of a pioneer for women’s rights from award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick will inspire you to believe that some things are worth doing–even when the cost is great.

Her Only Hope by Julia Ridgmont

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1882 – Oregon

Running from her father’s murderers might keep her safe for a while, but it won’t protect her heart.

Alexandra Carter was supposed to marry Jacob Mahoney. At least, that was what her younger self believed when he worked in her father’s blacksmith shop years ago. At that impressionable age, she could have watched his well-muscled arms perform such manly work for hours. But then he suddenly disappeared and she became her father’s assistant, and in the process, discovered that females could do the work just as well, if not better.

Then, one fateful day, when everything falls apart, the only way Alexandra can escape immediate danger is to disguise herself as a young man–and find Jake. But where did he go? And what will she tell him when she finds him? If he knows that someone is after her, and possibly him, too, will he be willing to put his life on the line?

Jake Mahoney thinks he’s found his niche in the small town of Hope Hollow, Oregon. As the town’s blacksmith, folks trust him to perform quality work in a timely manner–and he’s able to deliver. That is, until a skating accident leaves him incapacitated. When a young apprentice offers his assistance, it seems that fate is smiling on him. But why does he seem so familiar? And what is he hiding?

By the time he discovers the answers to those questions, it might be too late.

Settlers’ Hope: An Oregon Trail Historical Romance by Kathleen D Bailey

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1847 – Oregon

After years of wandering, Pace Williams expects to find a home in the Oregon Country. He doesn’t expect to fall in love with a fiery Irishwoman bent on returning home to avenge her people.

Oona Moriarty expects one thing: to exact revenge on the English overlords who took her home. She doesn’t expect to fall in love with a man who looks like he’s been carved from this Western landscape.

Together they vow to trust the unexpected and settle into a life, but when Pace’s ancient enemies threaten to destroy the life they’re building, Oona must choose between helping the man she loves and seeking the revenge she craves.

The Way of Love by Tracie Peterson

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1879 – Oregon

Faith Kenner is pursuing her dream to become a doctor at Willamette University’s medical college so she can use her gift for healing to help those in need, especially the native populations forced onto reservations and then neglected. When she meets Andrew Gratton, a handsome riverboat captain who has been injured on his ship, she uses her skills to tend his wound, and a friendship grows between them. Andrew admires her strength and willingness to stand her ground, and Faith appreciates his intelligence and compassion. But Faith holds a secret that means their friendship can never become anything more, so she must bury her feelings for Andrew as best she can.

When her fellow students put together lectures to speak out against Oregon’s racist laws and policies, Faith is eager to participate. But some powerful men have other plans for their state, and soon Faith is caught in the middle of a plot to push the local Indian tribes to rebel. As she and Andrew fight for the rights of others, their love for each other grows. Can they trust that God has a way toward love for them, or will her secret stand in the way of their one chance for true happiness?

One Hundred Valleys by Bonnie Leon

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1855 – Oregon Territory

After the death of her mother, Emmalin Hammond discovers she is not the heiress she’d always assumed she’d be. The revelation exposes her fiancé’s true intentions when he withdraws his marriage proposal, leaving Emmalin heartbroken and humiliated. When she discovers the father she believed to be dead is still alive and living in the Oregon Territory she decides it is time to meet the man who has been hidden from her all of her life.

Accompanied by her Uncle Jonathon, she sets out for the Oregon Territory in search of answers and hoping for a renewed relationship with her father. When tragedy strikes, she confronts the terrifying challenge of completing her quest alone. Faced with few options, she entrusts her life to a mountain man named Jacob Landon who agrees to transport her to a small settlement in Southern Oregon called Deer Creek, a place also known as the Land of One Hundred Valleys.

Emmalin is not prepared for the hardships of life in the Oregon wilderness. Each day presents a new challenge. Newfound friends, including the reserved Jacob Landon, who unexpectedly stirs her heart, come alongside to help her adapt. Yet she feels out of place. Should she brave the arduous journey back to Philadelphia for the life she once knew or remain and hope for something better in the Oregon wilderness?

Secrets of My Heart by Tracie Peterson

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1879 – Oregon

Nancy Pritchard finds herself a widow with a world of problems when her deceased husband’s schemes start to come to light. As she searches through the pieces of her loveless marriage, Nancy realizes there is a lot that she didn’t know about this man.

Seth Carpenter is a childhood friend of Nancy’s who has recently returned to Portland. He’s delighted to see her again, and as a lawyer, he is able to help her sort through the legal aspects of her husband’s death. But there’s more to him than meets the eye, and his job will take him into a darker side of Nancy’s life–a side she didn’t even know existed. As they search for the truth behind her husband’s death, their attraction to each other creates complications, and the threat to Nancy increases. Can Seth be honest with her about who he really is and why he’s come to Portland? And can Nancy bear another betrayal?

Turning Tide by Melody Carlson

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1917 – Oregon

As the Great War rages on, Sunset Cove continues to feel its impact. Running the small town newspaper, Anna McDowell can’t escape the grim reports from the other side of the world, but home-front challenges abound as well. Dr. Daniel is serving the wounded on the front lines. And Katy, expecting her first child, with her husband in the trenches, tries to support the war effort with her Red Cross club. Even as the war winds down the costs are high—and Sunset Cove is not spared.

Hope Springs Eternal by Julia Ridgmont

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1882 – Oregon

Carving out a new life in Oregon isn’t for the faint of heart. Neither is becoming a mail-order bride.

For 35-year-old Susannah Eversoll, starting over after her husband’s suicide, not to mention betrayal, is what she feels the need to do. So she arranges for herself and her grown daughter, Melissa, to become mail-order brides farther west in the town of Hope Hollow, Oregon. But Susannah will be starting over in more ways than she planned. Although he is kind and caring, David didn’t tell her that his children are young and exhaustingly unruly. And when pushed to her breaking point, a freak accident wipes away her memory. Who is she? Who are these people? Where does she belong?

David Stratton’s hopes for the future died along with his wife two years ago. Now he’s the doing the best he can to raise his rambunctious and sometimes quarrelsome children, but he needs help. More than that, though, he’s lonely. Now that he’s found Susannah, he isn’t about to let her go. When Susannah loses her memory in a skating accident, a stranger appears, threatening their marriage with claims Susannah can’t explain. Can David unravel the mystery that shrouds his wife? Will Susannah regain her memory in time to save their marriage? Or will the love that had begun to blossom between them shrivel up and die in the wintry storms ahead?

The Christmas Ring by Shanna Hatfield

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1903 – Oregon

She’s desperate to forget her past. He’s determined to give her a future.

Victoria Carter flees from the gossip that dogs her every step. She hopes to embark on a new chapter of her life at her brother’s home in eastern Oregon. What she didn’t plan on was the stagecoach being robbed on the way there, or the immediate attraction she feels to one of the outlaws. Then she meets a telephone lineman she finds charming, witty, and kind. Despite her intentions to avoid all members of the male species, her affections are torn between the two men.

A man of many secrets and talents, Trace Travers knows he has to stay focused on his work. Yet, the lovely sister of one of his friends threatens to capture not just his attention but also his heart. Resolved to ignoring Victoria and the emotions she stirs in him, he discovers she is a difficult woman to overlook, especially when she keeps popping up in the most unexpected places.

Trace and Victoria are swept into the town’s festivities as they ring in the holiday season. But will Christmas bring the forgiveness they both need if they hope to have a future together? Enjoy this sweet holiday romance, rich with history, laughter, and heartwarming Christmas cheer.

Gift of Faith by Shanna Hatfield

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1942 – Oregon

When their faith is tested, will Christmas bring a miracle?

Handsome and engaging, Marc Rawlings could have his choice of girls, but he only has eyes for gentle Amy Madsen. Ready to begin a future with her, he instead asks her to wait for him while he heads off to war. Bound by his duty to his country, Marc leaves his heart with her, counting on the day they’ll be reunited.

Amy Madsen spends her days working in her family’s bakery and her nights gazing up at the sky, hoping her fiancé knows she’s thinking of him. When tragic news arrives, Amy refuses to believe it, clinging to her promises to Marc and her faith that he’ll return to her.

It will take a miracle and a unique gift of faith to bring a happy holiday during a wartime Christmas in 1942.

Gift of Hope by Shanna Hatfield

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1892 – Oregon

A tender gift given can warm even the coldest heart…

When his affections are spurned by the girl he plans to wed, Graydon Gaffney rides off in the swirling snow, determined to stay far away from fickle females. Then a voice in the storm draws him to a woman and her two sweet children. Despite his intentions to guard his emotions, all three members of the DeVille family threaten to capture his heart.

Giavanna DeVille holds the last frayed edges of her composure in a tenuous grasp. In a moment of desperation, she leaves her sleeping children in her cabin and ventures out into a storm to release her pent-up frustrations where no one can hear her cries. Much to her surprise, a man appears through the blinding snow. He gives her a shoulder to cry on and something even more precious. . . hope.

Can the two of them move beyond past heartaches to accept the gift of hope for their future?

Gift of Grace by Shanna Hatfield

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1870 – Oregon

Sometimes the best gifts are those freely given form the heart…

Ready to begin a new life far away from the sad memories of the Civil War, J.B. and Nora Nash head west on the Oregon Trail. They settle into the small community of Pendleton, Oregon, on a piece of land where they’re excited to build a future and their dreams together.

A devastating tragedy leaves them both reeling as they draw further and further apart. Nora blames J.B. for her unhappiness while he struggles through his own challenges. Only a miracle can bring them through their trials and reunite them for Christmas.

Together, will they discover the gift of grace in this sweet holiday romance brimming with hope, history, and abiding love?